6 Responses

  1. Sarah says:

    Too and these aren’t coffee-y. I would think it would be pretty easy to execute a coffee or a latte or a mocha (those are al the same thing right?). Favorite m&m flavor? I’ve heard awesome things about the almond m&ms

  2. Sarah says:

    **too bad (typo in the first line). Great review as always!!!

    • Junk Male says:

      Yeah, I thought this was a pretty safe flavor for them to try. But then I remembered how milk chocolate usually masks all other flavors in M&M’s, so I wasn’t too confident these would be anything special. I’ll always support M&M’s trying new varieties though.

      Honestly, Almond might be my favorite. Peanut is a classic, but I think I gave Almond the edge.

  3. Tove says:

    Just wanted to say that I think this blog is goddamn amazing and I was so happy when I found it! I’m awful at actually remember to comment on things, but I put a link to it on my bookmarks bar (if that’s what it’s called in English; I’m hopelessly ESL) so I can check it out every day. So if you end up getting a bunch of frequent yet inexplicable page views from Sweden, that’s just me, getting my junk food salivatin’ on. (Seriously, why does America get all the amazing junk food? Seems distinctly unfair to me!)

    Anyway, thank you so much for writing all these hilarious reviews. My actual face looks pretty much like a :DDDDDD emoticon come to life every time I notice a new update. Except with slightly fewer chins/mouths. Kudos to you guys, and thank you again! \o/

    • Junk Male says:

      Hey Tove,

      Wow! Thanks for all the really great feedback and keeping us bookmarked (yes, we call it the bookmark bar too).

      So you’re the guy from Sweden! We get page views from countries I’ve never even heard of, and we don’t understand the Internet enough to know how anyone is finding us. No fun junk food varieties in Sweden? As an American, I feel like Japan is where it’s at for weirdo junk food. We do alright, but we are no Japan.

      Your vote of confidence ensures we will do this forever, or until we both forget our passwords and can’t login into the site to update it. Thanks for reading and plenty more updates to come…

      • Tove says:

        Oh yeah, Japan is totally snack heaven. *___* When I was a wee gal of fifteen or so I regularly spent my entire allowance on tons of weirdo bubblegum flavors and candy sushi kits and those ostensibly super sour Shigekix candies with the mascot who for some reason seemed to have a butthole instead of a mouth. C’mon, guys, they were pretty sour, but not butthole-instead-of-mouth. Still, they were amazing. I would love to visit Japan and just rub all their exciting candy all over my body and face. But yeah, America’s pretty damn amazing, too. So many bright colors not found in nature! So many completely artificial-tasting fruit flavors! I hope this doesn’t come off as mocking, because I am super into every last bit of it.

        And, seriously, if I can’t have ALL THE CANDY/SNACKS/LIKE 2930434 COOL FLAVORS OF BEN AND JERRY’S then I can at least read about it and drool and possibly stroke the computer screen a little bit. (I promise I’m not creepy. Much.) No, but you guys’ blog is my new favorite one. It is excellent. It is highly entertaining. It’s a lot of other positive adjectives. I’m really bad at remembering to actually comment on blogs I read and I often don’t even have time, but I just want you to know that Junk Banter is A++++++ and hilarity technology 100% and so on and so forth. Go Junk Male and Drunk Female! This Drunk/Junk Female thinks you’re aces.