“Don’t fill up on bread.” Okay fine, I’ll fill up on these chips instead…

Lay’s Olive Oil & Herb
It’s a familiar scene. You’re at a fancy Italian restaurant (Macaroni Grill) with your family. The meatball appetizer is on the way. So is the calamari fritti. You ordered lasagna for your entree, and you’re already thinking about the tiramisu for dessert. But yet, you can’t stop eating the complimentary bread. You’ve got this wonderful, fattening olive oil & herb mixture that is too damn tasty to stop. You’re full. Your entree comes, but you have no room left to eat anything. Except for more bread, of course, dipped in more oil. Face it – it’s the best part of an Italian dinner, and Lay’s is trying to capture this dish with these new Lay’s Olive Oil & Herb Kettle Cooked potato chips, the new chip in the Spice Category of Lay’s Flavor Swap promotion.
Lay’s Olive Oil & Herb chips are the only kettle-cooked option in the Flavor Swap promotion, and it’s one of the two flavors that I feel actually stand a chance against the old one – Lay’s Sea Salt & Black Pepper Potato Chips. I know salt/pepper is a classic, but I don’t think people are married to Lay’s Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper. Almost every major brand of chip offers that option, so if Lay’s Olive Oil & Herb chips are delicious, we just might be able to vote them in. Which herbs are we talking about exactly? Lay’s Olive & Herb chips have a short list of ingredients that includes basil, oregano, thyme, onion powder, garlic powder, and salt in addition to the olive oil. Very straightforward. Does it work?
My fat Italian ass approves… I absolutely love these. In traditional kettle-cooked fashion, Lay’s Olive Oil & Herb chips are greasy. But this grease carries authentic olive oil flavor because it uses real olive oil. That’s how science works. You know how a good olive oil has that balanced buttery & nutty flavor to it? Lay’s Olive Oil & Herb chips have that. The basil, oregano, and thyme work in complete harmony. The blend is perfectly balanced and tastes like something I’d toss over pasta or spaghetti squash. If I try to think about each herb individually, I can detect it. But as a whole, these herbs they complement this olive oil flavor without overpowering it. Now I feel like I am eating crispy garlic bread seasoned to perfection. I can’t stop eating these, guys.
Lay’s Olive Oil & Herbs serve as a reminder that basic, real ingredients like stuff that comes from vegetables and things that grow out of the ground can combine to be spectacular. On paper, this flavor doesn’t carry the excitement of Lay’s Korean Barbecue or Lay’s Smoked Gouda & Chive. Don’t sleep on it. I crushed this bag before I even had a chance to regret it. Even though I am completely covered in olive oil from head to toe, I couldn’t be happier. If you’re Italian or just eat like one, buy these chips and vote for them. Please… do it for me, even if you hate them.
How Often I’m Filled Up On Bread Rating: 10 out of 10
How Much Room I Have Left for Dessert Rating: Enough out of 10
Overall Rating: 8.5 out of 10
Read all of our 2016 Lay’s Flavor Swap reviews:
Lay’s Korean Barbecue
Lay’s Smoked Gouda & Chive
Lay’s Fiery Roasted Habanero
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Does anyone remember OGrady’s Au Gratin???
Can’t say that I do, Kate! Are those chips your white whale?
These were really good. Nice seasoned flavor, with some onion/garlic notes along with the herbs. Very crunchy too, with the usual folds in some chips a kettle chip has.
If this were Lay’s Do Us a Flavor, I’d be voting for these chips. Like you described, this is just a technically sound potato chip. Outstanding stuff with no gimmicks.
I agree with the 8.5 on these. Maybe even a 9. I ate these so fast that I forgot to breathe. Chipitosis I think is the medical term. Now I have yet another addiction plus I’m gaining weight. Oh wait, it’s just olive oil. I think I’ll have another bag.
Just keep reminding yourself that olive oil is “healthy fats!” These chips better get voted in. I’m counting on you, Jan.
Tried these against the salt and pepper ones, the olive oil and herb ones are better and have a more seasoned flavor
Unfortunately, these are now discontinued because not many people voted for it. I feel bad that these are discontinued. I hope they come back later on. All 4 winners of that flavor swap were the original ones. Guess many people didn’t want their flavors swapped…