4 Responses

  1. Courtney says:

    Omg so funny. I was on a trip to Australia with some friends the summer before going to college and we met a group of guys who were also down there. Ended up making out with one of the guys who told me he was a sophomore. I assumed he was a sophomore in college….. Nope ended up being a sophomore in high school. Ugh.

    On a lighter note – I would definitely try this cereal.

    • Junk Male says:

      Haha, see it happens to the best of us! Or the worst of us. The important thing is that it happens. *Happened. It no longer happens. Again, I’ll shut up.

  2. Marc P says:

    Great Ice Cream truck story, just great.
    I need to find this cereal somehow – I am going to be mad ticked if this thing comes off the shelves before I find it.

    Does the captain, combined with orange, combined with vanilla sound good? Does a freaking one legged duck swim in circles?

    • Junk Male says:

      Haha! Orange Creamsicle isn’t for everyone, though. It’s a little weird for breakfast, but I really love it for whatever reason. I hope I’m not alone. Also, Cap’n Crunch just announced it on Twitter (yes I know this fact) so it should be more widely available soon. One person told me they found at Target.