Ben & Jerry’s Gimme S’more is back as a full-time flavor! Please find our review below.

A rare blindspot in the Ben & Jerry’s portfolio – in my opinion anyway – is a good s’mores ice cream.

Sure Ben & Jerry’s HAS a “S’mores” in the year-round lineup, but it doesn’t taste like any s’mores I know. For starters it’s not marshmallowed enough, and then the bigger issue: the chocolate ice cream dominates everything else in it. Ben & Jerry devotees will recall that this flavor was originally introduced as Marsha Marsha Marshmallow in 2005 before the name change to S’mores in 2007, which would have also been a great opportunity to tweak the recipe.

If you’re just looking for a good dark chocolate flavor with simple ingredients, Ben & Jerry’s S’mores will do… but I’ve never once uttered the phrase “Gimme more” while eating it.

More like “Gimme S’more,” am I right?!

It’s Britney, bitch.

Gimme, gimme s’more with Ben & Jerry’s latest flavor: Ben & Jerry’s Gimme Smore!

One way to overcome a shortage of marshmallow is to make the whole damn thing marshmallow. For Gimme S’more!, Ben & Jerry’s is introducing a brand new toasted marshmallow base. Returning are the graham cracker swirl and pieces of fudge, but replacing the toasted marshmallow swirl in S’mores is a chocolate cookie swirl.

Britney, what do you think of Oreos and S’mores together in one ice cream?


Ben & Jerry's Gimme S'more!

The problem here is that the new toasted marshmallow ice cream doesn’t taste like it should, either. This base is more like a rich sweet cream – high in fat and quite indulgent, but its sweetness isn’t particularly marshmallowy. There is no “toasted” or “torched” element I could detect.

While I think this base is more suitable for s’mores than the chocolate one, it’s right about this time that you really begin to miss that fluffy, stretchy marshmallow swirl. I’m curious how this would land if the swirl stuck around, because I think the special stash Marshmallow Moon was preferable to this.

Ben & Jerry's Gimme S'more!

The rest becomes a showcase of the swirls. The chocolate cookie swirl is good and the graham cracker swirl is phenomenal, though I feel my pint vastly favored the chocolate cookie swirl. That ratio makes the s’mores angle suffer a bit more.

To me, Gimme S’more! never really hits its stride and lands more on a variant of cookies & cream than it does s’mores, and to that point you want larger chocolate cookie chunks. The swirls are delicious yet texturally “weak” – they’re coarsely ground and gritty, but they’re soft. They don’t connect fully with the faux marshmallow base – it just feels like they’re sitting in cold, wet sugar.

I barely noticed the fudge flakes.

Am I being too hard on Ben & Jerry’s Gimme S’more? You’re damn right I am, because this is the second flavor with the “S’more” in the title that didn’t do a s’mores justice. Some points are lost for accuracy, despite this still being high quality ice cream.

What do you say, Britney? Does this taste like s’mores to you?


Cold, Wet Sugar Rating: 5 out of 10
Britney Spears GIFs Rating: 10 out of 10
Overall Rating: 6.5 out of 10

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2 Responses

  1. Jennifer says:

    Regardless of whether it tasted like smores or not, I would so totally get fatter for this ice cream. Looks absolutely delicious.. and yes.. we are all jealous that you get sent pints of ice cream! ?? Awesome review, as always!

    • Junk Male says:

      Wait until you try their new Glampfire Trail Mix flavor at Target!! It beats the hell out of this one!