Nabisco has a reputation for getting nutty, but quite frankly I’m not nuts about this idea…

Nabisco Pistachio Oreo Thins

Nabisco Pistachio Oreo Thins

Which one of you monsters had Pistachio Oreo Thins on your Oreo Wish List… on chocolate wafers?

Let me tell you – no one! Unlike the #MyOreoCreation contest where we actually asked for the shit we were fed, Pistachio Oreo Thins are the flavor that literally nobody ever asked for.

I’m not a Pistachio hater – I promise. I just legitimately don’t understand this combination…

Pistachios are heart-healthy, powerful tools in weight management programs. Oreo Thins are diet Oreos. Do I lose weight eating Pistachio Oreo Thins? Are chocolate covered pistachios good for my heart?

At least if these were made with Golden wafers they would have LOOKED like pistachios! ??‍♂️

Pistachio Oreo Thins

De-shelling the Oreo, the pistachio creme is … HOLY SHIT, the pistachio creme is incredible!

This doesn’t just taste of pistachio – no, no – this is a creamy pistachio ice cream. It’s a full-bodied, in-your-face flavor that hits you in the face right away. But it’s smooth, and it’s remarkable…

Hit me again, please.

Remember what I said about the chocolate cookie being an odd choice? Forget everything I said.

The chocolate cookie in no way, shape, or form blocks this terrific creme from shining. In fact – it complements it in a way that defies Oreo logic, but immediately feels like the right choice. I find myself appreciating how the classic chocolate ties this back to an Oreo product even with such a unique creme.

I immediately think Pistachio Cookies & Creme ice cream needs to be made…

But as good as they are (extremely), I still needed to know if it works better on Golden:

Nabisco Pistachio Oreo Thins

Dammit – it’s so good on both! ?

I think I prefer it with chocolate because it has more contrast, but Nabisco definitely hit its home run with one of the best cremes they’ve ever produced.

Pistachio Oreo Thins might be the surprise of the year. For all my doubts about the chocolate cookie, Nabisco whipped it out and showed me why they made $674.2 million in cookies sales last year, while my blog made $6.42 yesterday.

I just hope these are in fact good for my heart, because I’ve been eating them all damn day.

Odds My Heart Will Fail Before Age 40 Rating: 8 out of 10
The Size of Nabisco’s Dong When They Whipped It Out Rating: 10 out of 10
Overall Rating: 9 out of 10

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4 Responses

  1. Kaitlyn says:

    woooww – color me shocked. i can’t believe you like them on the chocolate cookie! it sounds so weird to me, but i LOvE pistachio so i was going to buy these regardless. very interesting that you preferred the chocolate vs golden cookie. again, going to buy the sh out of these.. if i ever find them.

  2. Junk Male says:

    For once, instead of making fun of you for never being able to find things, I reallllllly want you to find them. And they should be available at all stores with a half-decent Oreo selection eventually! I have faith in you.

  3. Brooke K says:

    These are my new all time favorite Oreos…I think. They are so damn good!!

    • Junk Male says:

      I can’t blame anyone for feeling that way! They’re tasty as hell and they work well on the Thin too. I feel so fancy eating them. Like I need a smoke.