I may be alone in this, but I really miss the days when bacon was a complement and not a centerpiece.
A Wendy’s Baconator is one thing, but we are a society responsible for inventing a burger on a bacon bun, a hot dog on a bacon bun, a taco on a bacon shell, and even bacon-wrapped bacon.
Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer to clog my arteries little-by-little instead of all at once.
Smokin’ Bacon & Swiss Cheez It Grooves
New Smokin’ Bacon & Swiss Cheez It Groves are the perfect example of how bacon in small doses, paired smartly with things that won’t put you in a hospital, yields very great results.
From the box:
The smoky magic of bacon combines with the mellow flavor of Swiss cheese in a snacktastic crunch that lets you know you’re in 100% real cheese heaven!
As a point of reference, Cheez It, here is what America’s current idea of Cheese Heaven looks like:

See more here, you sick freaks.
And while these Cheez Its aren’t quite on that level, they’re a good cheesy hill to die on.
Salty and mellow Swiss cheese is the leading flavor for Smokin’ Bacon & Swiss Cheez It Grooves – not bacon. This is incredibly important for this to still feel like a Cheez It and not a bacon-flavored cracker, and I’m very appreciative that they reigned in the bacon where most companies are heavy-handed with it.
That said, the bacon is still noticeable and impactful in every bite, and it adds complexity and a pleasant, subtle smokiness to each cracker instead of overpowering.
Most importantly, it pairs very well with Swiss cheese.
There are even more layers here working in favor of the Smokin’ Bacon & Swiss Cheez It Grooves. Garlic and onion powder make the crackers well-rounded, and little specks that I suspect are black pepper are a nice touch.
While recent flavors like Crispy Taco Cheez It Grooves may be more fun and flavorful, Smokin’ Bacon & Swiss Cheez It Grooves are a good lesson that great things can be accomplished with more careful, subtle flavor combinations. No gimmick necessary.
I’m already on Box #2, my dog is obsessed with them, and he and I are in some sort of Cheez It Paradise.
Burning Questions:
- Boy you really like Cheez Its, huh? I will serve them at my wedding.
- You realize dogs will eat anything, right? Mine likes to eat rocks.
- OMG did you say these had bacon? Sigh…
Place of Purchase: Walmart
Rating: 8.5 out of 10
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