I’m thinking of changing my nickname from “Drunk Female” to “English Muffin Madame” or something. I’ve only drank, like, two beers in the past week but I’ve eaten enough English muffins to start twitching at the phrase “nooks and crannies.” And you’d be surprised at how often that phrase gets tossed around in casual conversation.

I’ve already told you guys how I feel about Thomas’ English Muffins, and unfortunately the apple pie version left something to be desired (read: any apple pie flavor at all). I have nothing better to do with my time or my taste buds, so I’m going to give them another chance in the form of Thomas’ Pumpkin Spice English Muffins. As an added bonus (and thanks to the suggestion from one of our faithful readers!), I’ll also be trying these muffins with some Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Butter slathered on top.  The ingredients in Pumpkin Butter are “pumpkin, sugar, honey, lemon juice, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg”, so I’m pretty sure this is gonna taste like straight-up pumpkin pie filling. I am feeling seriously #blessed right now for living so close to a Trader Joe’s.

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These muffins are a bit darker in color than the usual English Muffins, which hopefully means that there are a lot of pumpkin spices and real pumpkin puree mixed in. I did regular butter on one half, and Pumpkin Butter on the other. The regular buttered half was not quite the disappointment of the Apple Pie version, but it wasn’t awesome either. There’s slightly more depth to the flavor, probably thanks to the pumpkin they added in, but it’s still mostly a cinnamon-y English Muffin. I enjoyed it more than the Apple Pie version, but it didn’t wow me.

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The half with Pumpkin Butter fared much better. This is some potent shit, and I pretty much only tasted the lovely spicy earthiness of the pumpkin flavors along with the crunch of the muffin. The lingering spice of cinnamon from the muffin works wonderfully with the overwhelming pumpkin punch in the face that is this Pumpkin Butter. This stuff will probably work well on any neutral vehicle (cheese, crackers, knives, fingers), and these English muffins are about as neutral as it gets.

I suppose it makes sense that these muffins have been underwhelming. Thomas is (probably) a refined and sophisticated British gentleman, and he’s not gonna go HAM on his muffins just to capitalize on the fall flavor craze. That said, this is AMERICA, Thomas. I literally just ate pumpkin pie filling out of a jar for breakfast. Either knock me over with a taste explosion or go back to your traditional nooks and crannies. (twitch)

Thomas’ Pumpkin Spice English Muffin Rating: 5 out of 10
Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Butter Rating: 8.5 out of 10
Overall Rating: 7 out of 10

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3 Responses

  1. Too bad these aren’t that pumpkin spicey. But I guess at leas they are better than the apple pie version. I wonder if you could make French toast out of these. And then if you wanted to be really bad…make a pumpkin spice peanut butter and pumpkin butter sandwich with the French toasted pumpkin spice English muffins. Okay. I may have just talked myself into trying that…

  2. pamb says:

    Went to Trader Joe’s yesterday… it’s a pumpkin spice bonanza! Due to your reviews I got: ‘pumpkin walks into a bar’, pumpkin butter, pumpkin cookie butter, and also pumpkin bar mix (not sure how it’s different than the pumpkin bread mix, but we’ll see) and pumpkin cranberry scone mix. I took a picture of a freezer case filled with pumpkin stuff to tease my non-pumpkin crazy husband, and a picture of Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Salted Caramel chocolate for Instagram (but didn’t buy… yet).