Tagged: reese’s

Reese's Creme Puffs

REVIEW: Reese’s Creme Puffs

Excuse me a second while I take a selfie: You wanna talk about identifying with a product? These Reese’s Creme Puffs just get me. Chocolate, peanut butter, the word “puff.”...

REVIEW: Reese’s Stuffed with Pieces Candy

Everybody expect a cheesy announcement in the mail, because Reese’s is pregnant… Reese’s Pieces are the all-too-neglected offspring of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. It’s not that anybody dislikes Reese’s Pieces, but it...

Look What I Found: 07/09/2016

To close out each week, I’ll post photos of some exciting new items that I’ve found recently. Each of these photos was shared directly to our Instagram page this week...