Monthly Archive: April 2019

Pillsbury Marshmallow Cookies

REVIEW: Pillsbury Marshmallow Cookies

Remember when I said that those Sour Patch Kids Marshmallows were the only marshmallows you’ll ever need this Easter season? Guys… don’t listen to me. Pillsbury’s newest marshmallows are COOKIES,...

Hazelnut Spread M&M's

REVIEW: Hazelnut Spread M&M’s

Can you say “Nutella M&M’s”?! Well legally they can’t because Nutella is a brand name owned by Italian company Ferrero, but the important thing is that Mars just jammed some hazelnut...

Snack Pack Unicorn Magic

REVIEW: Unicorn Magic Snack Pack

“Artificially flavored pudding.” UHHH YEAH, NO SHIT! Snack Pack Unicorn Magic It’s been almost three years, but this unicorn trend just keeps plopping right along and glopping into our laps with...