6 Responses

  1. Marianne says:

    I feel like we are being punked lately….is Sachin Joshi really Alex Roz? Was this some kind of weird test to see if anybody would notice, lol?

    • Junk Male says:

      Haha! It is most definitely him, he explained on a previous thread that his account got deactivated, so he had to create an alias. So now Alek is a sexy businesswoman.

      • Marianne says:

        Omg that’s too funny! I missed his explanation but I’ve read ‘her’ comments for days and I just assumed the sexy business woman was sticking it to Alek! Just goes to show, an Alek Roz by any other name is still Alek Roz, or, you take the Alek Roz from the boy but you can’t take the boy from, uh, ~ well, I’m sure there’s another metaphor in there somewhere!

    • Alek says:

      Hi! This is Alek. My FB account is still disabled. I have submitted so many appeals and tried in vain going to their NYC offices. Only to be asked to fill out on an Ipad form and still awaiting. Sorry for the confusion that you are seeing on.

      • Marianne says:

        Actually I’m glad you’re OK! I didnt see your name for awhile and I was a little concerned! I’m somebody who reads daily but has never posted. But I was just so confused by Sachin I had to!

  2. Sass says:

    I’ll kiss you JB!! You’re friggin hilarious. ?

    -Random Internet Girl