Chicken & waffles is a weird combination. Nobody knows the exact origin of the dish, but I suspect somebody was drunk when it was conceived. It might not sound like it makes sense as a cohesive dish, and quite frankly… I’m not sure it does.
It makes even less sense as a potato chip.

Lay’s Chicken & Waffles
So here we are with Lay’s Chicken & Waffles, one of four flavors recently released under the “Lay’s Flavor All-Stars” campaign. Lay’s explains: “Your favorite flavors are BACK with Lay’s Flavor All-Stars.”
Favorites? All four flavors in the line previously lost in the Lay’s Do Us a Flavor or the Lay’s Flavor Swap competitions. If these are All-Stars, we’re talking some serious Development League shit.
Tens of thousands of people agreed that Lay’s Chicken & Waffles didn’t make enough sense the first time, but now they’re back so we can not enjoy them enough once again.
Lay’s Chicken & Waffles is made with potatoes, oil and “chicken & waffles seasoning.” That’s it.
Lay’s Chicken & Waffles don’t taste anything like chicken & waffles. It’s really hard to describe what they do taste like, but here’s my best crack at it: They taste a little like onions and a little like maple syrup and a little like feet. And you know what the really disturbing part is? I almost like it…
Don’t get me wrong; Lay’s Chicken & Waffles is not a very good chip. But there is something about how the sweet & salty elements combine with morbid curiosity and complete bewilderment that makes you go back for more. The spices and seasoning are on the mild side, and the chips have a burst of brown sugar that put them in the sweeter territory. There are no herbs or anything that you might equate with chicken, but I guess fried chicken isn’t prepared that way either. The chicken angle is a total miss. The only thing that resembles fried chicken here is the grease. But oddly enough, I’m still eating them…
One of them tasted the way cat urine smells.
And somehow, I almost liked it.
Sensibility Rating: 3 out of 10
Admitting You Like Something After Comparing It to Cat Urine Rating: 1 out of 10
Overall Rating: 6.5 out of 10
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How in the ****’n **** are these not waffle shaped?
I would have at least accepted lattice cut! The nooks and crannies would just go on forever.