On behalf of both of us at Junk Banter, we’d like to wish you the happiest of days in whatever you’re celebrating or not celebrating today.

10 out of 10

10 out of 10

If you’re reading this right now, stop reading this. Go spend time with family, friends, or a total stranger. Go do something nice for someone! Go eat some cookies!


100 out of 10

We’ll be back in a couple of days to resume eating and drinking garbage for all of you. Until then, we’ll be eating and drinking garbage with the people we love and not writing about it.

We cannot thank you enough for the support you’ve given us on the blog and social media these past five months! We’ve both had so much fun interacting with all of you. Please continue being awesome; we’d love even more of you to join in on the conversation. Comment on the blog, our Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter; we love all of it and it helps us deliver only the content you care about. If you have any suggestions for things you’d like to see us do in 2016, let us know! Now get your jolly ass up off the couch and go hug somebody.

Junk Male & Drunk Female