REVIEW: Top Ramen Chicken Pringles
Woman on Phone: “Thank you for calling Dollar General, how may I help you?” Me: “Hi, do you have Ramen flavored Pringles?” Woman: “I’m sorry, what?” Me: “They’re Pringles flavored...
Woman on Phone: “Thank you for calling Dollar General, how may I help you?” Me: “Hi, do you have Ramen flavored Pringles?” Woman: “I’m sorry, what?” Me: “They’re Pringles flavored...
Seriously, is there anything better than baking? Sampling the ingredients, licking the beaters, savoring the smells out of the oven… these are all things I enjoyed while my Mom labored...
If there’s any three words that can excite me more than the words “Cinnamon Toast Crunch,” those words have got to be: Exploding. Cereal. Donuts. HOLY FAT with these new...
I’m just gonna come out and say it: back-to-school season really bites the big one. You have to buy new clothes because I got fatter, shop for things like PENCILS,...
The Nosh Show is a podcast about junk food and fast food. If you frequent a website that reviews cookies like this one, this audio extravaganza should be right up...
“A housewife who is unhappy with her potato chips befriends an old lady in a nursing home and is enthralled by the tales she tells of people she used to...
Lay’s popular “Do Us A Flavor” contest is back – you know, the one where people submit literally anything and everything as flavors and Lay’s decides which to make. I’m...
If you dream about something enough times, then pray for it enough times, then Tweet at Oreo enough times, good things can happen: Cookie Butter Oreos were only a matter of...
Just because you CAN do something, doesn’t mean you should… At least that’s the philosophy I enter with as I prepare to try Great Value Tropickles, which are fruit-punch flavored...
Hey, if you were 164 years old, you might forget which season it is too… Keebler Dark Chocolate Mint Fudge Stripes sure sounds like a winter flavor, but the Elves just keep churning...
At the 2016 Sweets & Snacks Expo – an annual trade show dedicated to garbage food – DeMet’s Candy Company unveiled Caramel Sea Salt Flipz. You probably didn’t know this...
Tired of listening to the same old music when you exercise? Tired of EXERCISING, period? I’ve got just the thing! The Nosh Show is a podcast about junk food and...