REVIEW: Trader Joe’s Mango Coconut Caramel Corn
Our next stop on the “Trader Joe is a Crazy Son of a Bitch” tour takes us to Trader Joe’s Mango Coconut Flavored Caramel Corn. Weird-flavored popcorns are nothing new...
Our next stop on the “Trader Joe is a Crazy Son of a Bitch” tour takes us to Trader Joe’s Mango Coconut Flavored Caramel Corn. Weird-flavored popcorns are nothing new...
Alright, let’s talk for a minute. Muffins should get more love than they do, but they don’t. About a decade ago, the gourmet cupcake market was booming AF. I feel like...
Burger King’s Mac n’ Cheetos are back on shelves! Is that exclamation point one of excitement or terror? Find out by reading our review from last year below: Ah, the...
Does anyone even care about sriracha anymore? Did anyone ever care about Triscuits? Too bad! These Sriracha Triscuits come in a pretty cool box, so I’m going to eat them. These are...
It happens when you least expect it. There you are, sitting alone in a McDonald’s parking lot… eating a McFlurry while “I Wanna Know What Love Is” by Foreigner plays on the...
Because you’ve got to be freaking kidding me, Nabisco Cinnamon Donut Chips Ahoy! are headed our way… eventually. No sooner than I could finish an entire package of Red Velvet...
The first day of summer is upon us! You know what that means? You’re going to get invited to a shit-ton of BBQs soon… fun! But, oh no. Now you...
This might be the first red velvet review ever published in June, but when Nabisco releases Chips Ahoy cookies stuffed with red velvet cake, you act fast. Yes ok, I know,...
Three simple ingredients: chocolate, marshmallow, and graham crackers. That’s it. That’s all it takes to make an entire country lose its shit. “S’mores this! S’mores that! We love s’mores!,” said everyone...
Forget the artisan breads, stinky cheeses, and fancy aiolis. The PB&J is and will always be the King of the Sandwich. Sure, we can argue strawberry jam vs. grape jelly...
As we now find ourselves in spring, I’d like to make an observation. Did you guys know that spring has historically been the only true “lull season” on the junk...
Ah, lazy breakfasts. The best kinds of meals are the ones that still taste good without having to do work and clean up and stuff. Perhaps the laziest breakfast is...