The Nosh Show is a podcast about junk food and fast food. If you frequent a website that reviews cookies like this one, this audio extravaganza should be right up your alley…

The Nosh Show
The show is hosted by Marvo of The Impulsive Buy, Ryan of Grub Grade, Dubba of On Second Scoop, and myself. We share our thoughts on products recently released, preview some upcoming products before anyone else, review some products in real time, and make fun of each other.
This week, we give our thoughts on products such as:
- Hot Chocolate Oreos
- Steak n’ Shake’s Breakfast Shakes
- Edy/Dreyer’s Pumpkin Spice Latte Ice Cream
- Strawberry Chocolate Yoo-hoo
- Taco Bell’s Forbidden Bowl
And so much more. (A little more).
You can listen to the Nosh Show Episode 112 on iTunes or right here, right now!
Links to the products we talk about and other show notes can be found at the following link:
You can subscribe to The Nosh Show on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn or via RSS.

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