Pumpkin Pie Rice Krispie Treats are back! Please find my original below, when they were only available at Walmart in boxes of 40. You can now find them in much smaller boxes at select grocery stores and drug stores (like CVS). 

Snap: “Do you think people would buy Pumpkin Pie Rice Krispie Treats if we made ’em?”

Crackle: “Probably not. Only kids eat Rice Krispie Treats. Kid’s don’t like pumpkin. Kids are dumb.

Pop: “Yeah but if we put a million in a box we could make a killing off that Junk Banter Idiot…”

And just like that Kellogg’s Pumpkin Pie Rice Krispies Treats were born.

Kellogg's Pumpkin Pie Rice Krispies Treats

Kellogg’s Pumpkin Pie Rice Krispies Treats

I haven’t purchased a Rice Krispies Treat in ages, but I now own FORTY of them thanks to this gargantuan crate of Kellogg’s Pumpkin Pie Rice Krispies Treats.

This 40-pack of Pumpkin Pie Rice Krispies Treats retails for about $9 a box. The box is bigger than my torso and weighs about 100 lbs. Presumably these are meant to distribute to Trick-or-Treaters on Halloween, but with just over 40 days to go until October 31st, it’s far more likely I’ll eat one a day  and run out by October 30th, or that I’ll eat four a day and run out by September 30th.

I’m that asshole that gives out raisins on Halloween anyway. 

Kellogg's Pumpkin Pie Rice Krispies Treats

Each Pumpkin Pie Rice Krispies Treat is 90 calories and smells equal parts marshmallowy and pumpkin spice-y. It has a white drizzle all over the top that regular Rice Krispies Treats do not.

Upon first bite, the familiar flavors of regular Rice Krispies Treats surface first. This amounts to toasted rice with extra sugar that isn’t distinctly “marshmallow” to me. If we’re being real here, Kellogg’s Rice Krispie Treats can’t hold a candle to the homemade buttery version, and understandably so.

Kellogg's Pumpkin Pie Rice Krispies Treats

But thankfully the pumpkin spice flavoring come toward the end of your chew. And while they’re not the most bold, they’re authentic at the very least. Kellogg’s used real dried pumpkin, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and allspice to pull this off. Some bites unleash a much fuller taste than others and it’s really tasty when this occurs. The additions never overpower the flavor of rice cereal and the marshmallow-ish sweetness , but they’re an admirable accompaniment.

Snap, Crackle, & Pop did a pretty good job with Pumpkin Pie Krispies Treats! They’ve inspired me to make a better version at home with extra butter, more pumpkin spices, and a heftier dose of marshmallow. Maybe I’ll do that on October  30th.

After I eat the other f*cking 39…

Size comparison vs. a penny.

People Who Give Out Raisins on Halloween Rating: 0.5 out of 10
People Who Give Out Pennies on Halloween Rating: 0 out of 10
Overall Rating: 7.5 out of 10

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3 Responses

  1. Nick T says:

    Nabisco exec: “We try to annoy customers by releasing LE oreos in slightly smaller packages.”

    Kellog’s exec: “Amateurs.”

  2. Junk Male says:

    Hahaha. What’s particularly annoying about the Nabisco move is that they’re the same price as the larger packages!