3 Musketeers has always been known as “a lighter way to enjoy chocolate®” but hey… who’s counting calories on your birthday?

3 Muskateers Birthday Cake

They’re about the same calories as everything else.

It’s not often that 3 Musketeers mess around with new flavors, but when they do? Results are pretty good! Marshmallow 3 Musketeers, Coconut 3 MusketeersHot Cocoa 3 Musketeers, and Mint Dark Chocolate 3 Musketeers are just some of the 3 Musketeers that I’ve enjoyed in my non-blogging years.  However, it’s been at least half a decade since they’ve rolled out a new flavor, and they’re rolling out their big guns with a new 3 Musketeers Birthday Cake.

Or at the very least… they successfully convinced me to buy a candy bar that I 1000% would not have  otherwise.

3 Muskateers Birthday Cake

Though it looks like the same turd it always looked like, inside 3 Musketeers Birthday Cake is a new vanilla-flavored nougat with colorful sprinkles.

But wait… vanilla-flavored nougat? Isn’t that kind of what a regular 3 Musketeers is?

3 Muskateers Birthday Cake

For the most part, that is exactly what 3 Musketeers Birthday Cake tastes like. This just a sweeter version of the original. A funfetti cake wrapped in milk chocolate this is not.

This really doesn’t translate to terrible news, even if it will disappoint the most hardcore of birthday cake lovers. I find myself preferring this version as the sweetened nougat’s whipped texture draws some parallels to a vanilla cake frosting. My first impression is that the nougat is a little thicker and less fluffy than the OG 3 Musketeers, though I don’t have one on hand to compare because I literally never buy 3 Musketeers unless they’re fun, stupid flavors.

Bottom line – there just isn’t enough birthday cake flavor inside to compensate for the milk chocolate on the outside. The result is a good-tasting, slightly nuanced, and slightly more colorful version of 3 Musketeers.

Already a big fan of 3 Musketeers? Then Happy Birthday, you skinny little thing you.

How Many 3 Musketeers I’ve Bought in the Last 5 Years Rating: 1 out of 10 (This one)
Eating a 3 Musketeers on Your Birthday Rating: Sad out of 10
Overall Rating: 6.5 out of 10

Place of Purchase:  Walmart.

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3 Responses

  1. Sally says:

    You spelled “musketeers” wrong. ??‍♀️

  2. seth mishne says:

    who has these in stock? I have been to 3 walmarts in my area and none of them have them. it says they have them online but i have had no luck finding them in the stores at all. I wonder where they are supposed to be in the store and why i can’t find them. I am not waiting in customer service to ask as the line is way too long.