In a year that’s been straight from a horror film, its only right we get some cinema-worthy snacks.

Chocolate Popcorn M&M’s

Chocolate Popcorn M&M's

Are you one of those people who mix M&M’s right into your popcorn when you go to the movies? Well for the first time ever, you don’t have to wait until the lights dim so that people don’t judge you. In fact, you don’t have to do anything at all thanks to the new Chocolate Popcorn M&M’s!

Step aside, gross Buttered Popcorn Jelly Beans, because we finally have a popcorn-flavored snack that I actually want to eat! With nothing else to do, 2020 is the year to try weird new food and I can’t wait to try these new Chocolate Popcorn M&M’s.

This new candy is available for a limited time heading into football season and Halloween, and features a popcorn flavored milk chocolate and crispy rice center.

Chocolate Popcorn M&M's

Let’s dive straight into it and get a few things clear right off the bat:

  1. These smell more like popcorn than they taste it.
  2. The first one tastes more like popcorn than subsequent ones, but…
  3. There is definitely some popcorn flavor here.

When you open the bag of Chocolate Popcorn M&M’s, you definitely get some of that artificial butter scent you’d expect from a bag of movie theater popcorn. But it’s important to remember that they’re called Chocolate Popcorn M&M’s” when you pop a few in your mouth. The popcorn flavor isn’t meant to be so intense that it overshadows the fact that these are candy-coated chocolate morsels, as the package art even shows drizzled milk chocolate over the popcorn.

Personally I enjoy that the buttered popcorn flavor isn’t overpowering; it could have been quite nauseating.

Chocolate Popcorn M&M's

I also think the crisp rice center was a smart addition for the Chocolate Popcorn M&M’s. Not only do we rarely get to try variations of the Crispy M&M’s, but the crispy element makes these snack more like popcorn when you shove them into your face by the handful. It makes me wonder how good a Caramel Popcorn M&M’s flavor might be, but for now I must say I quite like these as is.

Netflix, chill, butter & chocolate… can’t go wrong with that.

Popped Corn Rating: 7 out of 10
Popped Belts Rating: 9 out of 10
Overall Rating: 7.5 out of 10

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1 Response

  1. Rachel says:

    How can you call yourself a food reviewer if you hate JB buttered popcorn jelly beans? I know that different people have different tastes, but those are AWESOME!!!