Happy National Chocolate Caramel Day! Here’s a review I wrote 9 months ago and forgot to publish until this made-up holiday came around:

You ever get a bit salty when Kellogg’s discontinues one of your favorite Pop Tarts every. freaking. year? 

Apparently Walmart does too…

Kellogg’s Chocolatey Salted Caramel Pop Tarts

Kellogg's Chocolatey Salted Caramel

Kellogg’s Chocolatey Salted Caramel Pop Tarts are an exclusive flavor to Walmart. You may recall that Kellogg’s (unsalted) Chocolatey Caramel Pop Tarts debuted as a new flavor in late 2015.

I really liked them, so the perennial heartbreakers at Kellogg’s discontinued them.

The new Walmart version adds a salted element to represent how totally pissed off we are that Kellogg’s gave a good one the axe, and also probably just because salt and caramel go really, really well together.

Kellogg's Chocolatey Salted Caramel

The saltiness of Chocolatey Salted Caramel Pop Tarts comes via “salt” crystals atop the frosted pastry. To the naked eye, it’s hard to tell if it’s real salt or something that Kellogg’s created just for the visual effect.

So here I am licking the surface of my Pop Tart like a lunatic.

I can confirm that it is definitely not salt, which is not only a disappointment, but a pretty dirty trick by some dirty SOBs at Kellogg’s.

Now thankfully, these still have all the qualities I liked about the original Chocolatey Caramel Pop Tarts. The cocoa-based pastry is a more flavorful upgrade over the standard pastry and it works very well with what’s tucked inside it, in this particular instance.

Kellogg's Chocolatey Salted Caramel

Heating them is 100% the way to go with Chocolatey Salted Caramel Pop Tarts. The filling is a combination of a richer fudge-like concoction and a more buttery caramel-like goop. Considering caramel is basically just sugar and butter heated up, it should be no surprise that Kellogg’s was able to replicate this flavor well in a hot filling. It’s one of the more decadent Pop Tarts in the catalog – or at least the maximum level of decadence that a foil toaster pastry can ever achieve.

Where they goofed is the extra salt, or complete lack thereof. I find it hard to believe these are any different than the Chocolatey Caramel Pop Tarts that debuted almost three years ago.

I’ll eat them, and I’m glad they’re back, but I’m a little salty about no salt.

Burning Questions:

  1. Why are you always salty about something? Because I demand greatness in my junk.
  2. What’s your favorite discontinued Pop Tart? Maple Bacon.
  3. Was THAT one salty enough for you, or…? Hey… f*ck you.

Place of Purchase: Walmart exclusive.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10

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1 Response

  1. Sheila says:

    The image of you licking a Pop-Tart to find salt made me laugh myself into a sneezing fit!

    (Disclosure: I have a small amount of the plague this week)