They had me at “Cheez It”, but then they had me again at “Taco.” ?

Crispy Taco Cheez It Grooves

Cheesy Taco Cheez It Grooves

I repeat for the millionth time: my favorite snack food of all-time is the Extra Toasty Cheez It. I like them so much that one time I nearly burnt my house down when I had a few boxes in a row that were extra extra toasty, ruining their perfection. But the fact of the matter is that I enjoy all Cheez It products – to varying degrees, of course.

And while I’ve never met a Cheez It I didn’t like, I only like – not love – Cheez It Grooves.

Cheez It Grooves are basically cracker-chip hybrids with bolder flavors and a bigger crunch than regular Cheez Its. I’ve never been able to pinpoint exactly what it was that made me prefer regular Cheez It snack crackers to the Grooves… and if I’m being quite honest, no Cheez It has ever truly mattered to me after the introduction of the Extra Toasties.

But guys… tacos.

Cheesy Taco Cheez It Grooves

The seasoning wizards over at Cheez It have always demonstrated ample success turning real food into Cheez Its, evidenced through products like Buffalo Wing Cheez Its and Cheese Pizza Cheez Its that condense more complex meals into tiny little crackers.

But Oh My GOD, how they’ve out-cheesed themselves with Crispy Taco Cheez It Grooves.

Cheesy Taco Cheez It Grooves

Everything; it’s all here. The seasoned ground beef (especially the seasoning), the tomato via tomato powder, some onion via onion powder… the cheddar cheese, obviously. I can even taste the lettuce – so much so that I’m surprised I don’t see something like “ground lettuce”, “lettuce extract”, or “cream of lettuce” on the ingredient list.

The Grooves’ texture actually works to their advantage, as their thick-but-delicate crunchiness perfectly emulates a crispy taco tortilla shell. But like… one that’s covered in cheese, which needs to exist tomorrow if it doesn’t already today. (Google tells me it does… thank God.) 

The only knock I have against them follows. Believe it or not, there is a point where you no longer want to eat tacos. Somewhere around the umpteenth Cheez It, I felt like I could only eat about umpteen more before I didn’t want them any longer – and not just because I was full. They don’t have quite the same endless snackability as the Extra Toasties, but that’s okay. They’re terrific in moderate doses.

Crispy Taco Cheez It Grooves instantly become my second favorite Cheez It behind Extra Toasties, and I’m cheesing so hard right now. ?

Burning Questions:

  1. Did you really think that was a good joke to end the review? I did.
  2. It wasn’t. Oh.
  3. Where the f*ck can I find these? You’re not going to find them.

Place of Purchase: Redner’s (Also spotted at Walmart and Target)

Rating: 9 out of 10

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2 Responses

  1. Chip Mc says:

    Cone on guys, all these cheesy puns are getting a little grating….
    Clever cheese word play aside, I initially skipped over this flavor when I saw at the store. However, after reading your review, I went by and picked a box up. Glad I did. I enjoy these, but to me, they taste exactly like Chili-Cheese Fritos. I really like those, so I really like these. However, take my thoughts as you will because I’m only an amateur reviewer and not a provolone.

    • Junk Male says:

      I believe this is your first ever comment on the blog, Chip, and what an A+ debut. You may have commented before; I apologize if that’s the queso.