For something with so much humor in it, I hate to be the bearer of bad news…

Good Humor Reese’s Bar

Reese's Good Humor Bar

I know you’re excited right now – Reese’s are INCREDIBLE, and Good Humor is so much fun! Strawberry Shortcake Bars? Amazing! Chocolate Eclair? Classic! If my ice cream truck sold these Reese’s Good Humor Bars when I was a kid, I would have vacuumed the floor so many times to get my parents to give me enough change to waddle my fat ass down the street to flag the son of a bitch down every. damn. night.

But unfortunately, you might wanna chill out a bit…

Because these Reese’s Bars are not very Reese’s.

Reese's Good Humor Bar

Good Humor Reese’s Bars are “frozen peanut butter dessert bars” that say “made with real REESE’s peanut butter swirl!” Don’t think of this as a traditional swirl – because there is none. It’s just very, very, very lightly peanut butter flavored frozen fluff.

The ingredients actually include “Reese’s Peanut Butter Sauce.” I don’t know WHAT exactly that is (apparently it’s this!), but there really needs to be more for this to work. That’s because the faux chocolatey coating doesn’t offer enough chocolate flavor to fulfill that half of the Reese’s formula, and the frozen dairy dessert is only vaguely peanut butter.

The best way I can describe the overall flavor is “cold.”

Good Humor Reese's Peanut Butter Bar

Things improve a little bit as you let it melt, but that’s not the ideal way to eat something off a wooden stick.

I think this was a tall order for Good Humor, honestly. Reese’s peanut butter cups have such a strong, unforgettable, unmistakable flavor and pulling off that likeness in a 180 calorie frozen dairy bar is incredibly tough.

They seem like good people too – they noted my feedback on Instagram and took a scathing review in stride, entering tons of sad, crying emojis in response to many of the resulting comments.

Luckily for them, nobody reads my junk food blog, and you’re already on your way to buy these.

Burning Questions:

  1. What’s your favorite Good Humor Bar? Toasted Almond!
  2. What’s your favorite ice cream truck novelty? Choco Tacos!
  3. How do you f*ck up a Reese’s? Like this!

Place of Purchase: Giant

Rating: 4.5 out of 10

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2 Responses

  1. Betsy says:

    They also have an Oreo version that I just bought this week, which I also thought was just… meh. I bought a box of the Almond ones too. I’m hopefully about those, though.

    • Junk Male says:

      Amazingly I’ve never purchased the Oreo ones – didn’t hear very good things. But Toasted Almond, I’ve put back quite a many of those.