Why would something so beautiful together ever break up?! ??

Pop Tarts Splitz (Frosted Strawberry & Drizzled Cheesecake)

Pop Tarts Splitz (Frosted Strawberry & Drizzled Cheesecake)

John Cena is the cheesecake, and Nikki Bella is the strawberry with this new flavor of Kellogg’s Pop Tarts Splitz – Frosted Strawberry & Drizzle Cheesecake.

Splitz is a returning concept from Pop Tarts’ past, but this might be the first time both halves sound like they BELONG together – not separated. I can’t even remember the last time I had cheesecake without a fruit topping. But then again, I can’t remember the last time I had cheesecake stuffed inside a pastry…

I haven’t been this torn since Brangelina split.

Well, one look at the Pop Tart gives some insight on why they may have broken up.

Frosted Strawberry appears to be occupying 80% of the real estate in my  pack. It looks like a girl hogging the bed and all the sheets, while Drizzled Cheesecake clings to his final 20%.

Please don’t make me waste my energy typing a review of Frosted Strawberry –  I’m saving those calories for Cheesecake. Strawberry is jammy and good and probably underrated and you’ve had it a million times before.

The Drizzled Cheesecake half? Not bad… not perfect, but not bad. It’s got a slightly vanilla profile but one that’s much less sweet than the Vanilla Milkshake Pop Tarts. It’s almost custardy or akin to vanilla pudding. There’s a slight cheesiness to it too, though I wish this element was stronger since it’s cheesecake. Gotta give Kellogg’s some props for using cheese cultures in the filling; I like to be well-cultured and well-cheesed at all times.

Though the sprinkled frosting from Strawberry takes up more than half the outer surface, the fillings on the inside are actually split 50-50. A portion of the Drizzled Cheesecake half is actually Frosted Cheesecake.

One thing I’m enjoying about this Pop Tart Splitz – whether I made it up or otherwise – is that the pastry tastes more graham-y than other Pop Tarts.

This is especially true when it’s toasted, and both fillings are more flavorful heated. It defies everything I thought I knew about cheesecake, which should never be warmed.

I topped Cheesecake with Strawberry the way God intended. The strawberry ended up dominating more than I would prefer. The two sounded so perfect together on paper, but you can’t force a spark I suppose.

Maybe this break up was for the best after all.

Brangelina Break Up Rating: 5 out of 10
Trying to Sleep Next to Girls Who Hog the Blanket Rating (All of Them): 3 out of 10
Overall Rating: 7 out of 10

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