Here it is, Fam: the new KFC Cheetos Sandwich.

That’s right, a KFC Cheetos Sandwich.

KFC Cheetos Sandwich

This is essentially what would happen if I was Chopped and the mystery basket contained fried chicken, Cheetos, and mayonnaise; just slap it all on a toasted sandwich bun and see what happens.

Let me tell you what happens: what happens is the KFC Cheetos Sandwich.

The sandwich also has a cheesy Cheetos sauce (again, something right out of my Chopped Kitchen), which you can also get on Cheetos Popcorn Nuggets.

I, of course, opted for both.

They’re available for a limited time (about four weeks through the end of July.)

KFC Cheetos Sandwich

The texture of the crunchy Cheetos is a little bit weird at first, but eventually you realize that you’re disgusting and that you actually like this.

The Cheetos sauce really does taste like Cheetos and goes well with the kick from the crispy fried chicken’s seasoning. It has has the consistency of buffalo sauce while looking like a radioactive orange version of it. I would have to venture that the Flamin’ Hot Cheetos sandwich isn’t too far behind.

The mayo helps cool the peppery kick of the KFC Cheetos Sandwich, and actually grounds it back towards being an actual chicken sandwich instead of a legitimate freak show.

This is a 9/10 if you’re as gross as I am.

Rating If You’re Not Gross: 7 out of 10
Rating If You Are Gross9 out of 10
Overall Rating9 out of 10 (If you’re reading this… you’re gross.)

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2 Responses

  1. Really think they should try it with flamin hot Cheetos…. Let me find out KFC is adopting prison recipes lol

  2. jane acola says:

    being a disgusting person myself, i am now very much looking forward to trying this