Man, when Little Debbie isn’t making us fat, she’s making us fatter!

Little Debbie Ice Cream

Little Debbie Ice Cream

It’s official: Little Debbie now has a bigger presence in your kitchen than you do…

As if your pantry wasn’t already a permanent home to Ms. Debbie’s snack cakes (how DID those get in there, anyway?), your lunch box has now invaded your freezer too thanks to A TRUCKLOAD of new Little Debbie Ice Creams that are here to absolutely destroy your diet:

The new treats are made by Hudsonville Ice Cream – a brand that’s been around since 1926 that you might not have heard of until February 1st when seven of these Little Debbie Ice Creams showed up on your Facebook feed and instantly gave all of your fat deposits an erection.

The ice creams are available exclusively at Walmart for just $2.50 a pint.

And just when you finished those year-round entries, they added more for a limited time:

And now that the calendar is heading towards the glorious fall months, they added another!

This review is part of a series. Today’s Little Debbie Ice Cream is:

Little Debbie Pumpkin Delights Ice Cream

Little Debbie Pumpkin Delights Ice Cream

According to Hudsonville, Little Debbie Pumpkin Delights ice cream features… well, I’m not exactly sure because there’s no description on the carton nor on any website I could locate. It’s obviously pumpkin light ice cream with some kind of pumpkin-y, possibly cookie-like swirl.

Little Debbie Pumpkin Delights Ice Cream

Sure, it’s light ice cream, yada yada yada. But I’ll tell you what, this is some delicious pumpkin ice cream. No matter that it’s light and fluffy and lack the creaminess of a premium ice cream; any pumpkin lover will have a hard time putting this one down. It’s beautifully spiced even when you’re not getting any of the swirl.

But speaking of which: all of the points that Little Debbie Pumpkin Delights ice cream loses is because of the lack of swirl.

Little Debbie Pumpkin Delights Ice Cream

I only found a few tiny pockets of the dark orange swirl, and those pockets were so small that I’m not even entirely sure what I was eating. They have a little grit to them and I think it might be some form of graham cracker swirl? Maybe with a little extra pumpkin spices packed in, but it was hard to tell because mine had so little. I’ve seen other reviews that looked like they had a bit more swirl than mine, so hopefully mine was a bit of a fluke.  I would have preferred some chewy pumpkin-spiced cake pieces or something to draw a more intimate comparison to the actual Pumpkin Delights.

More than anything, I just wanted more of it.

I’ll be perfectly honest though, the minimal swirl didn’t prove to be a total dealbreaker like I was expecting. Maybe it’s because I haven’t had any pumpkin spices in like 8 months, but I just found this ice cream so comforting and – wait for it – delightful.

It’s likely the steal of the season at only $2.50 a pint.

Burning Questions:

  1. Does this smile back at you like the cookie? In a way! 😃
  2. In what way? The metaphorical one.
  3. I don’t get it. Well, I guess you’re a few fries short of a Happy Meal…

Place of Purchase: Walmart

Rating: 8 out of 10

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