Lol yes, I would agree that two pounds of cereal on your birthday would constitute a “remix.”

Malt-O-Meal Cold Stone Creamery Birthday Cake Remix

Malt-O-Meal Cold Stone Creamery Birthday Cake Remix

Holy “Cold Stone for Breakfast”, Malt-O-Meal has made Cold Stone for breakfast!

So how did Malt-O-Meal, a brand that offers discount cereal in huge potato sacks, get in bed with Cold Stone – a premium ice cream parlor that sells things like Red Velvet Cake layered with Cake Batter Ice Cream topped with frosting, sprinkles, and chocolate-dipped Kit Kats covered with sprinkles?

Guys… who the hell knows. This is just the world we live in, and the bottom line is that I’ve got a 32 oz sack of Cold Stone in my pantry that I must finish by myself.

Never been to a Cold Stone Creamery before? Fix your life and head there for lunch. Their popular Birthday Cake Remix™ signature creation is a sundae of Cake Batter ice cream with sprinkles, brownies, and fudge.

Malt-O-Meal Cold Stone Creamery Birthday Cake Remix

Malt-O-Meal’s Cold Stone Creamery Birthday Cake Remix™ features Cake Batter corn puffs complete with sprinkles, and chocolate-flavored marshmallow bits to replicate the brownie and fudge.

Opening the bag does in fact unleash some cake batter-y smells: sortof floury, vanilla and sweet.

The scent doesn’t carry over fully to the taste, as the corn in the cereal jumps to the forefront. There’s enough sweetness and vanilla to make it an enjoyable cereal, but calling it Cake Batter is certainly a stretch.

The chocolate-flavored marshmallows are creamy sweet and remind me fondly of hot cocoa, and complement the puffs well.

Malt-O-Meal Cold Stone Creamery Birthday Cake Remix

Milk begins to pull everything together, and sweetens the cereal further. For the first time ever I found myself enjoying a cereal more as you let it sit and get soggy. When fully-soaked in dairy, the ice cream tie-in starts to creep in.

Is it anything like Cold Stone? Not unless you pour milk on your countertop, pulverize the cereal, and fold your newly created mess together. But it’s a better Birthday Cake cereal than Birthday Cake Cookie Crisp, and will surely satisfy anyone with a raging sweet tooth.

Aka, anyone who is intrigued by thought of Cold Stone for breakfast.

Odds You’re Intrigued by Cold Stone for Breakfast Rating: 9 out of 10
2 Lb. Bags of Cereal Rating: Oh God out of 10
Overall Rating: 7.5 out of 10

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1 Response

  1. Sophie says:

    I’m pretty sure I got an Instagram ad for this Cold Stone themed protein powder abomination because I read your blog so please review: