Pillsbury Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnamon Rolls

Pillsbury Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnamon Rolls

Me trying to figure out what the hell is going on here:

If you’re wondering what makes these new Pillsbury Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnamon Rolls different than normal Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls, GREAT QUESTION! The best I can come up with is that Pillsbury is being intentionally ironic and flat-out trolling us, knowing full well they have us by the balls whenever they slap “Cinnamon Toast Crunch” on anything. Normally you get something like with Cinnamon Toast Crunch flavored icing!” on the package, but nope! Just “made with REAL cinnamon” and then the words “Cinnamon Toast Crunch” next to it.

And I freaking love it.

Pillsbury Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnamon Rolls

Description via Pillsbury: Make mornings special with warm and fresh Pillsbury Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnamon Rolls. Easy-to-bake dough and premade icing has everyone’s favorite breakfast ready in minutes. Make holidays and everyday cinnamony sweet.

Description via Junk Banter: Very clever marketing.

Pillsbury Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnamon Rolls

If it looks like I burnt the shit out of my Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnamon Rolls, it’s because I did.

Pillsbury Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnamon Rolls

So I totally forgot to take a picture of it by itself, but through the process of elimination I figured out that the only thing that makes these more Cinnamon Toast Crunchy than Pillsbury’s regular cinnamon rolls is that the icing is cinnamon sugar-flavored instead of the normal white icing. This is evident from its light brown color with speckles of dark cinnamon. And while this should be viewed as an upgrade over the regular rolls since the dough itself was always lacking in the cinnamon department, I didn’t find it made a huge difference.

It’s certainly not enough to earn the highly regarded title of “Cinnamon Toast Crunch.”

Pillsbury Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnamon Rolls

Other than that, all the usual criticism of Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls remain. The dough tastes good but is pretty dry on the inside (even when you DON’T burn it), and overall doesn’t have enough cinnamon sugar goop to mask its shortcomings.

One of the things I’ve always found interesting and exciting about the limited edition Pillsbury Grands! Cinnamon Rolls were that they often go with more outlandish flavors you wouldn’t normally find in a cinnamon roll, like peaches & cream, hot cocoa, and s’mores. Here they just doubled down on the flavor the rolls were already missing the right amount of it. Pretty lame.

Welp, I got exactly what I deserved today.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Rating: 2 out of 10
Marketing My Brain Into a Pretzel Rating: 10 out of 10
Overall Rating: 5.5 out of 10

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