Girls on Instagram be like…

Hey, sex SELLS, and Pillsbury just released their sexiest cinnamon rolls yet.

Pillsbury Grands! Peaches & Cream Cinnamon Rolls

New Pillsbury Grands! Peaches & Cream Cinnamon Rolls!

These are sure to be a popular flavor with millennials, who are OBSESSED with ?! Everywhere you turn, my generation is either sculpting their ?, rapping about?, Brazilian Butt Lifting their ?, or just flat out staring at the ?.

Well feast your eyes on these!

Pillsbury Grands! Peaches & Cream Cinnamon Rolls

Pillsbury Grands! Peaches & Cream Cinnamon Rolls use a regular cinnamon roll dough and add a peaches & cream icing. This is a bit of departure from some of the other limited edition flavored Grands! rolls which omit the cinnamon entirely. By keeping the cinnamon, these almost become Peach Cobbler Rolls.

The peaches & cream icing is certainly… something. It’s definitely a highly artificial peach (no real peach is used anywhere in this recipe), but it’s unmistakably “artificial peach” so I guess it’s got that going for it. It’s the same type of peach flavor you’d find in a Peach Tea Snapple.

It probably doesn’t belong on a cinnamon roll, but I can’t even say I dislike the icing.

Pillsbury Grands! Peaches & Cream Cinnamon Rolls


Ok, it definitely doesn’t belong on a cinnamon roll…

These are just strange! I feel like I’m eating candy, which isn’t quite the impression I want to be left with when eating a warm cinnamon roll. It’s not repulsive; it just doesn’t gel.

I should also add: throw the peach cobbler idea out the window. This is more a flaw of all Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls vs. one specific to this one, but there just isn’t enough cinnamon in these rolls. I think that works against the Peaches & Cream Cinnamon Rolls because it just highlights the odd creme when it’s the only true flavor other than that in the dough itself.

Again, there aren’t any flavors I actively dislike here, but you won’t find me braggin’ about these buns on Instagram anytime soon.

? (The Fruit) Rating: 8 out of 10
? (Da Booty) Rating: ? out of 10
Overall Rating: 5 out of 10

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