You know you live in a weird, perverse country when maple bacon cereal feels like child’s play compared to the breakfast you ate yesterday…

Post Maple Bacon Donuts Honey Brunches of Oats

Post Maple Bacon Donuts Honey Brunches of Oats

Who had their money on Honey Bunches of Oats of all companies to go absolutely bonkers for National Cereal Day? Not only did we get a hilariously ludicrous Chicken & Waffles Honey Bunches of Oats to celebrate this made-up holiday, but we also get our first ever cereal with bacon.

The very first two meat cereals, by HONEY BUNCHES OF OATS.

Maple + bacon is a much less frightening concept than chicken + milk, and add the popular pairing of donuts into the equation and I don’t even really think this is weird anymore…

Maple Bacon Donuts Honey Brunches of Oats

Alright let’s cut right to the chase and talk about the maple bacon donut pieces, because that’s really the only reason we’re all here.

I hate them, and it is weird. I don’t really get the maple from the donut pieces, and the smokey bacon flavor tastes like something I would feed to my dog. Like Beggin’ Strips.

Some of the donuts have little pink things protruding out of them, which look like a cross between Bac-Os and herpes.

Maple Bacon Donuts Honey Brunches of Oats

Sorry, you may actually like these a lot more than I did, but I just don’t. It says a lot when you enjoy the plain flakes in Honey Bunches of Oats more than the special pieces flavored like bacon. Maybe this would have worked with much more maple flavor, but I just get weird, artificial bacon and flakes.

Honey Bunches of Dog Food.

How Much I Liked Them Rating: 4 out of 10
How Much My Dog Liked Them Rating: 8 out of 10
Overall Rating: 4.5 out of 10

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