Listen, I’m gonna review some Halloween candy in August and ya’ll are just gonna sit there and take it.
Sour Patch Kids Candy Corn
I found these Sour Patch Kids Candy Corn at Dollar General, and despite my general aversion to all things candy corn (fight me), I’m pleasantly surprised at how much I like them. Going with orange and grape as the only two flavors is a bold, ghastly move  – especially when you consider that grape isn’t even one of the Sour Patch Kids in a standard pack. However, I find that this move pays off handsomely.
Sour Patch Kids Candy Corn
Each candy corn is tri-colored and dusted completely in Sour Patch Kid seasoning – Sour then Sweet. I’m especially in love with the grape flavor. It has a powdery sweetness and tastes like a sour, kickass version of Big League Chew. The resemblance to that gum is uncanny, but it’s much more satisfying as a soft candy corn.
Sour Patch Kids Candy Corn
The orange is less special but satisfying nonetheless. Once again it’s the sour that makes it stand out, and while it bares more resemblance to a Sour Patch Kid than grape, the candy corn contributes its own flavor to keep things novel, interesting, and worthy of your money. It’s important to note than this is NOT just a SPK gummy shaped like candy corn. It is absolutely a candy corn at its core, but flavored so much like Sour Patch Kids that it makes me forget that I hate candy corn. Truly an impressive feat. Happy Halloween, ya idiots. I dictate your calendars now. ? Burning Questions: This isn’t candy corn. Good. Why does the orange one have red? Because candy corn is stupid. Is this the best candy corn ever produced? It might be. Rating: 8.5 out of 10 Place of Purchase: Dollar General

2 Responses

  1. McKenna says:

    I thought these were as bad as the SPK ice cream ?. But I also HATE candy corn. Wish it would of been a mix of the candy corn crap and actual SPK but guess I’ll have to send more money and mix them myself. Lol

    • Junk Male says:

      Haha, well LOVED the SPK ice cream so I think we’re on the opposite ends of the spectrum with our novelty treats. Yes I feel like mixing the two straight up would have been too lazy? I guess I can respect that lol.