In case you’ve been surviving off s’mores-flavored junk food for the last three months, allow me to remind you that making real s’mores is still an awesome summertime experience. Not only do they taste wonderful, but they provide ample reason to sit around a fire and exchange tales with your friends and family, like the spooky tale of how I used to be healthy before I started a junk food blog.
Few things provide the same sense of togetherness and relaxation as assembling s’mores. For example, you couldn’t sit around a fire and BS with ice cream for very long because that shit melts quick and nobody wants to get attacked by bees when you’re covered in it. What you can do, however, is blog about the new Turkey Hill Campfire S’mores Ice Cream inside on your parents’ couch while they look on with disappointment.

Turkey Hill Campfire S’mores
Turkey Hill Campfire S’mores is a summer seasonal favorite for the company and will be available from July through September before giving way to Pumpkin Pie, one of the most wonderful handoffs in the history of handoffs. Campfire S’mores features a graham flavored ice cream with a graham-marshmallow swirl and chocolate-covered graham crackers. One of the common complaints many have with s’mores-flavored junk food is a lack of prominent graham. Turkey Hill tripled down on the graham here, featuring it in the base, the swirl, and the mix-in. I’m not in love with most mainstream s’mores ice creams, so I’m excited to see if it’s an effective strategy or if Turkey Hill overcommitted.
Here’s the lowdown on the graham flavored base in Turkey Hill Campfire S’mores: they nailed “graham,” but it’s not too bold. You wouldn’t mistake this flavor for anything else; it’s not cinnamon or honey or something else you might associate with graham crackers. Graham is a pretty mild flavor to begin with, but there’s an additional milky and creamy mellowness that dampens the intensity of the graham once it’s churned as ice cream.
The graham-marshmallow swirl mixed throughout Turkey Hill Campfire S’mores provides a pleasant textural contrast, as the swirl is softer and more fluid than the thicker, gummier base. While the swirl is much sweeter like its marshmallow half, the flavor balance is still heavily in graham’s favor. Given that the graham base isn’t very sweet, the highly sweetened swirl is a value-added inclusion to keep things interesting. There’s enough swirl here to bleed some sugary, honey-like sweetness into most bites. It’s not an honest and true marshmallow flavor, but the swirl contains four different kinds of sweetening agents and that is pretty much all there is to a marshmallow if we’re being honest.
By far, the best feature of Turkey Hill Campfire S’mores is the chocolate-covered graham crackers. The cocoa flavor is solid, and the graham contained in its center is masterfully seasoned with cinnamon. The use of cinnamon isn’t overpowering like with S’mores Chips Ahoy!; these still tastes like graham crackers, but the ones coated in cinnamon & sugar. They’ve got terrific crunch and a delectable buttery element. I found myself searching specifically for these, which isn’t a great sign for the other components in the container.
Turkey Hill Campfire S’mores is a good ice cream, but I’m still left wanting more. It’s a little too graham-dominant to fully satiate s’mores lovers. Think about it: the graham cracker is the foundation for s’mores, but it’s the least sexy of the three components. Nobody gets excited about toasting a graham cracker over an open flame, and we all know it’s the chocolate that makes everything better. Limiting the chocolate to the coating on the occasional graham cracker piece holds this ice cream back a ton. A chocolate swirl blended throughout the base would have gone a long way.
In summary, get off the couch and go start a fire.
How Spooky It Is That I Used To Avoid Junk Food Rating: 8 out of 10
How Embarrassed My Parents Are About My Food Blog Rating: 9 out of 10
Overall Rating: 7 out of 10
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Sounds good! I’ll have to try this one. See if it’s better than my favorite Gifford’s Campfire Smores.
I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!! Could have been a little better but still worth the asking price. I also recommend 7-11’s brand of S’mores ice cream. You wouldn’t think they’d be one of the best, but it is!
S’mores Ice Cream is usually a let down. I’ve seen this and haven’t given a try – I look forward to it. Thanks for doing the review my man.
You got it as usual. The 7-11 brand has been my favorite so far, by a long shot.
I am very sad! NO MORE SMORES ?‼️ It’s going to be a horrible winter!!! Come back SMORES ice cream… Please