Twix White is back on U.S. soil, this time branded for the holidays as “White Twixmas.” Please find our review of Twix White below, originally published on September 26, 2016, refreshed slightly for the new branding. 

I swear I dreamt about something like this once…

White Twixmas

White Twixmas

Last year, Mars announced Twix White, citing that the white chocolate segment was growing. Yeah no shit we’re growing… white chocolate is delicious, fattening, and impossible to stop eating.

Twix White has come and gone all over the globe as a limited edition flavor through the years. In fact, Twix White was available in the U.S. way back in 2005. Did anyone even know? I don’t think there were food blogs or AOL chatrooms dedicated to junk food back then. What did I even eat in 2005, bread and milk?

Twix White, now White Twixmas, is a simple variant of the classic Twix bar. The caramel and cookie layers remain untouched, but white chocolate replaces milk. I’ve long advocated that every single chocolate candy bar should come in a milk, dark, and white variety. The campaign to make this happen will be a long one, but I’m convinced that blogging to nobody will get us there eventually.

White Twixmas

Twix White looks pretty enough, like a beautiful bride that will probably leave me at the altar.

Don’t they say that wearing white makes you look bigger? This isn’t true for Twix White, but eating it will definitely make me look bigger.

Oh well, I’m going to die soon anyway.

White Twixmas

Maybe it won’t, though, because it turns out that I don’t care much for Twix White.

The change to white chocolate simply doesn’t preserve the best qualities of the original. The white chocolate, much sweeter than the milk, steals significant thunder from the caramel. This could have been a good change of pace, but there’s something very funky about this white chocolate. It’s not creamy or indulgent – it’s just kind of “blah.” This is a shocker for sure, something I will have to create an AOL chatroom about later.

The cookie layer keeps the iconic crunch in the Twix formula. That’s about it though. Its biscuity flavor profile is barely noticeable behind the glaring flaws of the white chocolate. The aftertaste though.  Isolate the white chocolate and have a bite – it’s just not good. WTF happened?

Every year I dream of a white Christmas and don’t get it; White Twixmas is a similar disappointment. I’ve seen reviews of Twix White from abroad and they’re mostly positive. I don’t understand. Either I’m the dissenting opinion or people want so badly for this to be amazing that they convince themselves it is. It’s like they’re all afraid to admit something…

I’m just gonna say it. Twix White sucks.

When Dreams Become Nightmares Rating: 0 out of 10
AOL Chatrooms Rating: 14/M/NJ out of 10
Overall Rating: 5 out of 10

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2 Responses

  1. Jennifer says:

    Aww that’s such a bummer! 🙁 I love white chocolate, so I was hoping these would be good. Haven’t seen them around yet, but I’ll have to give them a try regardless. As always, thanks for the review! 🙂