“Leggo my Eggo!”


Kellogg's Eggo Waffle Cereal

Kellogg’s Eggo Waffle Cereal

Nostalgia is a powerful thing, isn’t it? Kellogg’s Eggo Cereal debuted in roughly 2006, according to this review from Mr. Breakfast, who I’m considering the absolute authority on things like this with a name like that. It’s been only about seven years since it’s been missing in our lives. We must not have wanted it that badly or Kellogg’s would have never discontinued it. That was until Kellogg’s pulled off this neat little trick:


And just like that, 10.6K+ people Tweeted to their 12 followers each that they suddenly wanted something they couldn’t have. You know the saying “You don’t know know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone”? Well you also don’t know how fat you are until a waffle company asks you to Tweet about it.

Kellogg’s Eggo Waffle Cereal is back, but this time it adds a blueberry version alongside the traditional maple version.

Kellogg’s Eggo Cereal (Maple Flavored Homestyle)

Kellogg's Eggo Waffle Cereal (Maple Flavored Homestyle)

I’ll admit: I probably tried Kellogg’s Eggo Cereal during its initial run, because that just seems like something a guy like me would do. But I can’t remember it being special.

I think my taste test now confirms why.

Remember Waffle Crisp? It’s another cereal you can’t buy anymore, and this cereal just makes me miss it more.

Kellogg's Eggo Waffle Cereal (Maple Flavored Homestyle)

The maple flavor is very light compared to Waffle Crisp. Kellogg’s Eggo Cereal isn’t BAD and enjoy the big puffy crunch, but it’s missing both a maple and a buttery profile to qualify as a suitable waffle breakfast substitute.

It just tastes like Honeycombs without the honey.

Rating: 6 out of 10

Kellogg’s Eggo Cereal (Blueberry)

Kellogg's Eggo Waffle Cereal (Blueberry)

Kellogg’s Blueberry Eggo Waffle Cereal is the brand new one.

There’s a distinctive blueberry coating covering the waffle pieces in this edition, which amounts to an immensely more flavored cereal. It’s like somebody resurrected Blueberry Tiny Toast cereal, killed it by crushing it up into a fine powder, and sprinkled it onto the Homestyle version of the Eggo cereal.

Kellogg's Eggo Waffle Cereal (Blueberry)

Again though, it’s not striking me as a waffle cereal due to the lack of maple. This one doesn’t even attempt to use maple syrup in the ingredients, so it’s a blueberry-forward cereal more than anything.

It’s tasty enough, but Cap’n Crunch’s Blueberry Pancake Crunch is the cereal we need back.

Overall Rating: 6.5 out of 10


Nostalgia is awesome, but we clearly don’t even know what we want anymore.

Tweet this review 10,000 times and I’ll send you my Eggo cereal.

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