The circus is great! Bunch of freaks, you can buy churros… what’s not to love?

It’s really not all that different from shopping at Trader Joe’s when you think about it…

Trader Joe's Baked Churro Bites

Trader Joe’s Baked Churro Bites

First, there’s the freaks. I mean, have you guys seen the people that shop there? Here’s a list of every type of asshole (their words) you’ll run into at Trader Joe’s. And here’s another.

One of them is this guy:

Hipster Business Yuppie

The Hipster Business Yuppie, image via Flickr.

And let us not forget about the crazy stuff you can buy there. We’ve got Popcorn In a Pickle, Pecan Pie in a Jar, and they even have Purple Corn Flakes. Purple, for crying out loud!

Now onto the churros, of which there is no shortage. You’ve long been able to purchase Trader Joe’s Mini Cinnamon Sugar Churros, a treat you bake in the oven. And now? Trader Joe’s Baked Churro Bites, which require no preparation at all:

Trader Joe's Baked Churro Bites

Only magic.

Trader Joe’s Baked Churro Bites are packaged in bags in the chip aisle. They’re big fat crispy baked corn puffs coated with cinnamon and brown sugar, and boy are they coated to death. Truly something to marvel at.

Imagine the texture of a Cheez Doodle, and now add a thick shield of caramelized happiness. That’s TJ’s Baked Churro Bites. They’re delightfully airy on the inside, with a slight stickiness from the crisp exterior.

How extraordinary…

Trader Joe's Baked Churro Bites

Trader Joe’s Baked Churro Bites

Not to mention, they’re downright delicious. The cinnamon is magnificent, the sugar remarkable, and the buttery vanilla undertones just spectacular. They really nailed the critical elements of the fried dessert in a crunchy, snack-able format. I prefer the soft, oily crunch of the carnival churro in a perfect world, but that wouldn’t have worked with this format. This, my friends, is exceptional execution.

Head on down to The Circus and buy a bag today before the Hipster Business Yuppie clears the place out.

The asshole that he is…

Purple Corn Flakes Rating: 0.5 out of 10
That Freak’s Mustache Rating: 10 out of 10
Overall Rating: 9.5 out of 10

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4 Responses

  1. Dana says:

    How do they compare to taco bell cinnamon twists?

    • Junk Male says:

      It’s tough for me to say off memory alone since it’s been at least a decade since I had the Taco Bell Cinnamon Twists… but honestly I think these hold up. And we’re talking bagged versus “fresh,” so that’s saying something.

  2. Dianne says:

    I’m pretty sure the frozen variety at TJ’s has been discontinued.

    • Junk Male says:

      Aw man, that’s a bummer it true. I guess I haven’t scrutinized the frozen section to check for them lately.