My first glass of soda in like twenty years was a Pop Tart, and it was an unmitigated disaster. The Kellogg’s Frosted Orange Crush Pop Tarts were brutally terrible. But you remember the rule, right? If it’s a Pop Tart, I have to eat it. So it is with not much enthusiasm that I introduce to you the other soda Pop Tart: Kellogg’s Frosted A&W Root Beer Pop Tarts.

Kellogg’s Frosted A&W Root Beer Pop Tarts
For what it’s worth, I know that I like root beer more than orange soda. I’m still unsure how it will work in a Pop Tart, but I’m trying my hardest to completely erase the Orange Crush Pop Tarts from my memory. I’ll give Kellogg’s a clean slate and approach the Kellogg’s Frosted A&W Root Beer Pop Tarts with an open mind (holy shit the Orange Crush ones were so bad). After all, root beer has proven rather successful in the junk food world. Root Beer Float Oreos, Root Beer Float Chips Ahoy!, and Root Beer Float Mike & Ike have all been largely successful products. Though all of those products were inspired by the ice cream float version and not the soda by itself, they offer a glimmer of hope.

The Orange Crush ones are SO BAD ugh.
Welp, I’m back in. Kellogg’s Frosted A&W Root Beer Pop Tarts fare MUCH better than their evil orange stepbrother. These are much more balanced than the Orange Crush Pop Tarts. The filling doesn’t completely overpower the dough, but it’s strong and it’s definitely root beer. Like, serious root beer. I have no idea how to explain the flavor of root beer to you guys; what do you want from me? The filling tastes exactly like root beer, though, and I thought it was very enjoyable. It has all the deep and earthy spices of root beer, but it also has the necessary sweetness that the Orange Crush Pop Tarts were lacking. Therefore, it tastes like soda in a Pop Tart.

The filling of some (most) Pop Tarts intensifies when toasted, but this didn’t occur when I toasted the Kellogg’s Frosted A&W Root Beer Pop Tart. They didn’t get better or worse, really. The flavor of the dough improved as it always does, but the slightly burnt flavor dampened the finer characteristics of the root beer filling. That’s a push, in my book. My opinion of these remains favorable. Pretty darn favorable, as a matter of fact.
Kellogg’s Frosted A&W Root Beer Pop Tarts are great under one condition: you better like root beer. If you do, you’ll be very pleased. If you don’t, try this one at home:

Kellogg’s Root Beer Float Pop Tarts.
In summary, do exactly what I just did in the above photo.
Pop Tarts a la Mode Rating: 9 out of 10
Kellogg’s Understanding of Food vs. Drink Rating: 4 out of 10
Overall Rating: 7.5 out of 10
For another take on Frosted A&W Root Beer Pop Tarts, check out The Impulsive Buy’s review!
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Glad you liked these better than the crush orange ones. I will get these and not the orange ones.
This is definitely the right move. I guess soda works 50% of the time, but like I tell everyone: If you were interested in Orange Crush Pop Tarts before my review, you should still try! Everyone should experience everything for themselves. I sure hated them, though.