I used to carry gum in my pocket to get rid of Oreo breath, but now?

Hershey’s Cookies & Mint
Hershey’s new Cookes ‘N’ Mint steals a page right from the Girls Scout playbook. Well, it’s not NEW, new. These apparently existed at one point, a fact I only know because I stumbled upon this Facebook page called Bring back the Hersheys Cookies N Mint Candy Bar. This is proof that there’s literally a group for everything.
Here’s an excerpt from the page:
With posts like this, it’s hard to imagine what took Hershey’s so long…

Hershey’s Cookies ‘N’ Mint
Hershey’s Cookies ‘N’ Mint is constructed much like the Hershey’s Cookies ‘n’ Creme, substituting milk chocolate for white and adding mint flavoring. These bars can be purchased exclusively at Walmart right next to the gum at checkout. Do you struggle with bad breath but hate the whole chewing gum thing? Opt for Hershey’s Cookies ‘N’ Mint if you want to struggle with weight gain instead.
Hershey’s Cookies ‘N’ Mint is one tasty sonofabitch. The mint is strong both in scent and in flavor; you’ll know exactly what you’re about to get into, and then you’ll get it. The mint comes on immediately before mellowing out with an extra creamy milk chocolate flavor – Hershey’s signature. Then a cooling mint prevails at the end, lingering for a good while. The crunchy cookie bits add the same fun texture you find in the regular Hershey’s Cookies ‘N’ Creme, and help this baby taste like a Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookie in candy bar form. This will please many fellow fatasses reading this food blog.
Hershey’s Cookies ‘N’ Mint deserved to make a comeback. Perhaps that incoherent Mystery Man in the Facebook group got his shit together and wrote some compelling and comprehensible e-mails to Hershey’s.
Thank you Mystery Man!
Oreo Breath Rating: 4 out of 10
Mystery Man’s Ability to Complete a Sentence Rating: 1 out of 10
Overall Rating: 8 out of 10
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Hi 🙂 So… Kit Kat also have tons of different flavors (I recently discovered they made Cookies & Cream Kit Kat bars! They also have Orange-flavored Kit Kat bars, the more common Dark Choc version, and more, and then if you reach Asia it gets crazy with Matcha Tea Kit Kat bars, or even Wasabi, Strawberry & Cream, etc.). Basically my question is: Y U not review them? 🙂
I’ve twice in my lifetime placed huge orders on eBay for weird Asian Kit Kats! The problem with the many regional flavors out there is there hard to track down in one place. I would love to eat more of them, but I only focus on newly released items that U.S. consumers can buy. Thanks for writing!
Ha! Understood! 🙂 (Although you do have lots of European followers too ya know! 😛 ) Anyway, love your blog, keep it up!! 🙂