Our quest to find low-carb, high-protein breakfasts is not a journey, but a… a Quest.

Maple Waffle Quest Bar

Maple Waffle Quest Bar

It’s R.I.P. to Quest’s Beyond Cereal Bars, and hello to a brand new waffle alternative – the Maple Waffle Quest Bar. The Beyond Cereal Bars were a cereal/protein bar hybrid sweetened with allulose, a magical low-cal carbohydrate that I’m pretty sure Quest made up to sweeten the bars without any of the adverse side effects of sugar. It was a significant commitment and concentrated effort by Quest to  explain to us how – although it increased the carb count of the bars – the allulose didn’t actually act as carbs.

We spent over two years trying to understand the argument, and when none of us could, we didn’t buy them and they were discontinued.

The Beyond Cereal legacy will best be remembered for the Waffle flavor, so Quest converted it to it’s regular protein bar formula sans the totally bullshit sweetener.

Maple Waffle Quest Bar

Maple Waffle Quest Bar

Quest bills the Maple Waffle Bar as a protein bar with sweet maple inclusions and a buttery flavor. It contains visible pockets of maple-like substance, though the ingredient list reveals only honey and no maple syrup. It also contains white chunks of I-don’t-know-what, and those “muffin” chunks last seen in the Blueberry Muffin Quest Bar.

What they don’t tell you is how sticky the entire bar is, making it one of the least portable and convenient protein bars I’ve ever consumed.

Maple Waffle Quest Bar

And quite frankly, I’m not in love with the taste either.

I alternate between “it kind of tastes like a waffle”, and “it kind of tastes like shit.” Buttery flavor becomes nauseating pretty quickly if it’s not real butter or I Can’t Believe It’s Not. I can’t say I got much of the maple either; instead, I tasted some raw honey that didn’t mesh seamlessly with the accompaniment of other sweeteners. Fake butter is the lead flavor.

Compare it to the Maple Glazed Doughnut ONE Bar, and there is no comparison. The maple just isn’t there.

A final knock against it: I don’t think it’s even as good as its Beyond Cereal ancestor.

All that said, I don’t think it’s completely disgusting and I’m sure it will earn some fans. Baking or broiling for sure improves it since room temp waffles are a silly concept.

Might want to supply your own syrup though.

Burning Questions:

  1. I loved the Beyond Cereal Bars. No you didn’t.
  2. Will allulose make me stronger and more attractive?  It might.
  3. I can’t think of a third question. This interview is over.

Place of Purchase: Vitamin Shoppe

Rating: 5.5 out of 10


Read our review of EVERY QUEST BAR at the following link:

REVIEW: Quest Bars (All of Them)

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7 Responses

  1. Jennifer says:

    I think I’m more shocked that you shop at the Vitamin Shoppe. ? Kidding, kidding. Thanks for the review, have you reviewed other protein bars? Looking for a filling but good tasting one. And I don’t do syrup, pancakes, waffles or anything like that. Do they have a cheesecake protein bar? ?

    • Junk Male says:

      Oh goodness, yes! Click “Protein Bars” at the top of the page and have at it. I know it’s hard to believe but I am actually very much into fitness and love the Vitamin Shoppe ?

      • Jennifer says:

        The Vitamin Shoppe is one of my favorite stores.. I walk a minimum of 15 miles a day, have a Fitbit to keep me motivated, and shop at the VS for Celsius, Endorush (I miss the old version), and various yummies that keep me fit. That’s awesome that you’re into fitness too! I joke that the reason I exercise so much is because I’m a junk food junkie and there’s just no way I’d ever give up my junk food. ??

        • Junk Male says:

          That’s awesome Jennifer! 15 miles A DAY is insane! It’s true; those of us who are into fitness usually are more passionate about food (the “bad” stuff and good stuff both). I run anywhere from 100-200 miles a month, lift 4-5 times a week so I could enjoy my beer, nachos, and junk food in moderation.

          • Jennifer says:

            It is,but exercise is addicting. I don’t do off days, I just can’t. I love to push the limits so that I can come home and gorge (of course staying under an allotted calorie count for the day). Trying to just lose a few more pounds, and keep everything else toned up. ?

  2. Kenny says:

    “Baking or broiling for sure improves it” LMAO, I need to try broiling a quest bar now

    • Junk Male says:

      Baking & broiling Quest Bar’s is totally a thing! Google it and try it out.