There are two things that can fix most of life’s problem: chocolate, and peanut butter.

The newest Nabisco cookie might just fix everything but obesity.

Nabisco Fudge Covered Nutter Butter

Nabisco Fudge Covered Nutter Butter

Now I’m normally of the opinion that a great cookie doesn’t need to be covered in chocolate, but the more I think about it… Nutter Butters NEED to be covered in chocolate! It’s not because they aren’t amazing by themselves; are you nuts? It’s just that anything with this much peanut butter in it is absolutely BEGGING to hook up with chocolate.

And while we’re all being so horny for cookies, I am thirrrrsty for these Nabisco Fudge Covered Nutter Butters.

Nabisco Fudge Covered Nutter Butter

The premise is a simple one: we have the circular Nutter Butter cookies completely covered in a chocolatey coating. They call Nutter Butter the peanut butter lovers’ cookie; Fudge Covered Nutter Butter are for those of us who just love being fat shits from time to time.

In some ways I’d say these are like a fortified version of the Peanut Butter Oreos with the parts a little mixed up. It’s impressive that you can still smell the peanut butter right through the fudge coating, and the peanut butter remains the predominant flavor too. Great crunch factor, and the taste of peanut butter combines nicely with the not-too-sweet chocolate on the back end to produce a nice pairing of the foolproof combination we all know and love.

Nabisco Fudge Covered Nutter Butter

The inner peanut sandwiched at the core has a satisfying creaminess, which works in concert with the crunchy cookie and crisp chocolate coating to make for a very pleasant textural experience.

As good as they are (and they are GOOD), it’s hard to crown Fudge Covered Nutter Butters as the greatest thing since sliced bread with peanut butter because the Girl Scouts have already played this game with Tagalongs/Peanut Butter Patties. Nabisco’s chocolatey coating is much cheaper, and the softer center of the Girl Scout versions is preferable in my book.

Those are the only true criticisms I can muster, because these cookies will still jump into your face with your will or against it. And on the plus side, you don’t have to wait until like February each year to order a bunch of boxes to support Little Susie’s whatever-the-f*ck.

Burning Questions:

  1. How many calories per cookie? 90.
  2. How many calories per box? 1,080.
  3. How many calories will you eat tonight?2,160.

Place of Purchase: Target

Rating: 8.5 out of 10

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4 Responses

  1. Alek says:

    Seems FB Comments not working. I think they could fudge cover all of their cookies. Lorna Dorne should be next.

    • Junk Male says:

      Of course you do. Lorna Doone would be great but I doubt there is a demand for it? I’ve never seen someone eating a Lorna Doone in the wild, ever.

  2. Nick T says:

    My first thought when I saw the cut-in-half pic was that they look like Tagalongs. If these are a good substitute for the rest of the year, I am in!

    • Junk Male says:

      While they’re not AS good, they have enough similarities and the year-round availability is clutch!