The Most Stuf Oreos are back by popular demand for a limited time only! Please find our review below:

More isn’t always better. ~ Harvard University, 2006

More food is always better. ~ Junk Banter, Every Day

Who you gonna believe guys, me or Harvard?

Nabisco The Most Stuf Oreos

It’s no secret that America is one of the fattest nations on Earth no matter which way you look at it.

For example, here is one way to look at it:


Since its introduction to America in 1912, the Oreo has ridden a tidal wave of success en-route to becoming the best-selling cookie on the planet, with annual U.S. sales over $700 million.

But when something is this good, we in this country demand more of it. If creme-filled cookies are good, then fat logic dictates that more creme will be better. Double Stuf Oreos would debut in 1974.

Many people swear by Double Stuf Oreos to this day. But because we are so FAT, Double Stuf Oreos weren’t enough for some of us. Mega Stuf Oreos would debut in 2013, which feature about 2.68 times the amount of creme as the original Oreo. This is a bit of a misnomer because “mega” is a unit prefix denoting a factor of ONE MILLION, and Mega Stuf Oreos sadly do not have one million times the amount of creme.

But all of that is ok, because obese logic has gifted us with the ultimate: the Most Stuf Oreo.

Nabisco The Most Stuf Oreos

Now I’m not necessarily saying that more creme equals a better Oreo, but I AM saying that more Oreos are always better than less Oreos. Nabisco Most Stuf Oreos are like mega-millionth Oreo to come out this year alone, and I am happier than a pig in shit.

There are only 18 cookies in the package, because that’s all they could fit in there.

While more food is always better, more of this one particular thing isn’t necessarily. I took a bite and felt like my teeth were traveling through creme for so long that I actually forgot I was eating an Oreo. And for a while, I just kind of tasted a neutral sweet “nothing.” In this quantity, I realized the creme itself doesn’t have an especially strong flavor and desperately needed it’s chocolate tag team partner.

It took so long before the cocoa flavored registered, but it eventually did.

Nabisco The Most Stuf Oreos

Logistically and nutritionally, these are a bit of a nightmare. The soft, pillowy creme will often mush right out the sides while you’re chomping through. I almost think it’s advantageous to just remove the top wafer, use it as a shovel to eat a portion of the creme away, and then eat the bottom wafer with the remaining creme. There’s just too much creme, with each cookie packing 11g of sugar and 110 calories.

Now all of this to say, these still taste GOOD because they’re Oreos. And I’m sure some of you are on #TeamCreme and want so much stuf that you’re basically a porn star. But for the majority of us (the amateurs, if you will), we’ll happily settle for a single creming and max out at Double on special occasion.

You win this round, Harvard.

America’s Fatness Rating: 10 out of 10
Times I’ve Beaten Harvard Rating: 0 out of 10
Overall Rating: 6 out of 10

Nabisco ‘The Most Stuf’ Oreos are available now at Rite Aid locations, though I expect more stores will sell them in the near future. 

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4 Responses

  1. Sheila says:

    I’d be happy if it was the chocolate creme. The regular stuff doesn’t really do it for me as much. Perhaps spoiled by all of the limited edition flavors?

    • Junk Male says:

      See, the regular chocolate creme does basically nothing for me. The dark chocolate does, but even then… #TooMuchStuf.

  2. Nick T says:

    As a member of #teamcreme, I am totally pumped for these. It looks like the creme alone is bigger than a regular oreo.