Nabisco Peppermint Oreos. They’re not new, but they’re limited edition and they’re Oreos so we have to review them because people Google “Oreos” all the time and we are desperate for blog hits.

Nabisco Peppermint Oreos
This will be my first time trying the limited edition Peppermint Oreos, which is a big deal coming from a man who eats Oreos in the shower. But you’re probably wondering what makes these Oreos so special…
I couldn’t tell ya. Mint Oreos are sold year-round, and we’ve seen Candy Cane Oreos before. The image on the package shows the familiar red & white peppermint candy that we usually eat when we exit a Chinese Buffet. “Surely this peppermint candy will wash away my shame,” you say to yourself while the door hits your fat ass on the way out.
If these Peppermint Oreos are successful, I will probably stop brushing my teeth entirely and just eat Oreos after every meal (my meals are usually just Oreos anyway).
When I opened the package, I picked up a convincing peppermint scent but it didn’t kick me in the nuts and I’m very ok with that. I began by licking the toothpaste creme out of the Peppermint Oreos. It’s a lot sweeter than the red & white hard candies, and I’m ok with that too. Nabisco definitely nailed peppermint versus an alternative form of mint – it’s just a lot sweeter. A soothing, cooling sensation ravages your mouth next as the sugar ravages your abdomen.
Eating these Peppermint Oreos with the cocoa wafer is a lot like eating a Thin Mint Girl Scout cookie. However, I much prefer the coated texture of a Thin Mint over these. Remember how I said the peppermint didn’t kick you in the nuts? The deep chocolate wafer mutes the mint even more. The flavor combo is just too familiar because you eat so many Thin Mints each year when your coworker guilts you into buying 5 boxes so their daughter can hit their fundraising goals. Get the hell out of my office, Stacey.
Peppermint Oreos aren’t worth writing home about, but they’re certainly worth writing a meaningless blog post about. There’s just nothing truly special about them. Peppermint is everywhere this time of year, and we’re all trying to use our calories wisely with so many fat bombs to eat. These are something I can pass on personally. Others might be quite fond of them.
Like Santa, for instance. He would probably loves these before and after he kisses your Mom.
How Many Boxes of Thin Mints I Still Have in My Closest Rating: 4 out of 10
How Much Santa Claus is a Dirty Whore Rating: 7 out of 10
Overall Rating: 6 out of 10
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These sound like a solid cookie…not going to blow minds but not going to disgust anyone either. Wonder how these would do frozen! I have actually never frozen an Oreo (can’t really remember the last time I had an Oreo tbh…). But since you compared them to thin mints and I know loads of people who freeze thin mints wonder how successful that would be. I was asking someone the other day what their favorite cookie is. I think they said chocolate chip. And I heard Americas favorite cookie is an Oreo. What is your favorite type of cookie? (Including store bought and homemade varieties). Great review!
Hmm… I’m just not sure how an Oreo would hold up in the freezer, but I will literally try anything. I know people like frozen Pop Tarts… I tried it and didn’t understand it. My favorite Girl Scout cookie is the Samoa. My absolute favorite cookie are those rainbow 7-layer cookies with the red, green, and yellow cakes covered with jelly betwern the layers and covered in chocolate. My second favorite cookie is anything anyone puts in front of me.
Omg – these are NOTHING like the mint creme or candy cane Oreos!!
Candy cane has crunchy bits and is therefore superior but not as munchable. Mint creme is green and therefore dead to me. These are good.
I’ve never eaten any of them, of course.
And I hate pink and favor green in all things except mint. None of this makes any sense. Keep it up!
These are all excellent points, Sarah. Please write for our blog. I will let you two Sarah’s fight over who is the better Sarah, while I eat Angie’s Boom Chicka Pop Hot Cocoa Marshmallow popcorn.
lmao.. i think i love you, first sarah
damnit, stacey.