Before we review Blue Bunny Holi-Doodle Christmas Cookie ice cream, a flow chart to get us started:


Once you stop giggling from saying “Holi-Doodle,” take a minute and read the full description of this ice cream straight from the carton because this one sells itself:

“Sugar Cookie Flavored Ice Cream with Swirls of Green Buttercream Frosting and Cinnamon Graham Revel with Red Sprinkles and Snickerdoodle Cookie Dough.”

Blue Bunny Holi-Doodle Christmas Cookie

As the reigning God of Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch, I had little choice but to pick up Blue Bunny Holi-Doodle Christmas Cookie ice cream. I was sold at “sugar cookie flavored ice cream,” but then Blue Bunny threw so many holiday-inspired terms at me that I nearly buttercream’d in my pants (something that hadn’t happened since I nearly cookies n’ creme’d in my pants a while back). Red and green sprinkles? Snickerdoodles? I don’t even know what a revel is, but it sure as Hell sounds like Christmas. There might as well be chunks of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in this ice cream.

But really, could it live up to the massive expectations the description generates? I’ve been promised things I ultimately didn’t receive for Christmas in the past; a functional cape, a remote control volcano, and a live Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle among them.

Blue Bunny Holi-Doodle Christmas Cookie

Oh, Holy Night… Blue Bunny Holi-Doodle Christmas Cookie ice cream is magnificent. The base ice cream tastes exactly like sugar cookies that were slathered with buttercream. Ok, it’s not a super premium ice cream, but the flavors achieved are a premium effort.

The cinnamon-graham revel is life-changing. I’m as jolly as Ole St. Nick right now as I work through the huge chunks of delicious snickerdoodle cookie dough that complement the vanilla sugar cookie base. There’s enough Christmas colors to give you a seizure in Blue Bunny Holi-Doodle Christmas Cookie ice cream, and I’m willing to go to the hospital over it. They serve ice cream in hospitals, right? Tell them I want more of this one. The red sprinkles are so abundant and add little pops of grit and crunch that make every single bite feel like a Christmas party.

Blue Bunny Holi-Doodle Christmas Cookie

Let me contain my excitement and point out the criticisms. There’s mostly one node in here… sweet on sweet on sweet. Now, now… this isn’t a problem for someone like me who has been eating cupcakes for the last 4 months, but others may be a little turned off.

The green buttercream frosting is so prevalent in most bites, and it kind of permeates the entire flavor. You know that frosting you would find on a Carvel ice cream cake? This is the lead flavor in this ice cream. I personally think it’s awesome, but it kind of reveals that Blue Bunny doesn’t make the finest quality ice cream. This is the only criticism I could conjure – a minor one.

Overall, Blue Bunny nailed it with their Holi-Doodle Christmas Cookie flavor. It will make you glad that Santa Claus is fake because he would definitely eat all of it out of your freezer while delivering presents, and you’re going to want it all for yourself. I’ve been working this ice cream hard since I bought it, and my freezer overfloweth with options. Don’t sleep on this ice cream just because it’s Blue Bunny. One taste and you’ll want to sleep with it.

How Would That Even Work Rating: ??? out of 10
No Wonder Santa Claus Is So Fat Rating: 7.5 out of 10
Overall Rating: 8 out of 10