No, stupid, I said “Toasted Coconut Oreos! 

General Mills Toasted Coconut Cheerios

General Mills Toasted Coconut Cheerios

You know, it never occurred occurred to me how much Cheerios and Oreos had in common until this very moment:

  • They’re both round.
  • They both end in “ee-ohs.”
  • They both have done a million flavors.
  • I’ve eaten both of them in the shower…

The list goes on and on (that’s it.)

But Toasted Coconut Oreos! One of my Top 5 Oreos ever released, and I constantly clamor for a return that will almost definitely never come. I can’t even see the words “Toasted Coconut” next to each other without feeling the heartbreak of a dearly departed love one, but maybe – just maybe – eating these Toasted Coconut Cheerios in the shower will fill a void.

General Mills Toasted Coconut Cheerios

Eating them straight from the box reveals that, yet again, General Mills jam-packed these Cheerios with flavor. There’s a big, bright coconut flavor and a lot more sweetness than I was expecting. Toasted Coconut Cheerios taste candied in a way. Pretty good snacking.

What I’m not so sure about is whether this coconut tastes “toasted.” I’m kind of just getting a sweetened, shredded coconut flavor. On the ingredient list, they call it “Natural Flavor (coconut)”. The parentheses makes me feel a little like they didn’t need to specify that it was a natural flavor, but also kinda makes me doubt it’s really coconut.

However, the important thing is that it doesn’t taste like sunscreen.

General Mills Toasted Coconut Cheerios

Toasted Coconut Cheerios are great in milk too. The best way I can describe these is like a coconut version of the Frosted Cheerios. There’s a minor loss of flavor in milk, but it’s almost an unintentional benefit as it helps remind you this is a bowl of cereal and not a bowl of candy. As always with Cheerios, you don’t want to let them sit in milk too long or they will get really soggy.

Or maybe I just shouldn’t eat them in shower.

Burning Questions:

  1. Why do you eat food in the shower? Because I’m a busy, hungry guy.
  2. That doesn’t really explain it. Because I’m gross?
  3. You are gross. Thank you.

Place of Purchase: Target

Rating: 8 out of 10

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