Finally, the Pop Tart for people who suffer from crippling indecisiveness like me!

Kellogg's Pop Tarts Splitz (Drizzled Sugar Cookie & Frosted Brownie Batter)

Kellogg’s Pop Tarts Splitz (Drizzled Sugar Cookie & Frosted Brownie Batter)

Well I guess I shouldn’t say “finally”, since Kellogg’s Pop Tarts Splitz existed about a decade ago. But get a load of these new flavors! Drizzled Sugar Cookie on one side, Frosted Brownie Batter on the other. ?

I have but one knock against Pop Tarts – whenever I find a new flavor, it’s in these humongous family-sized value packs – for like a family of ten. Last year I did a review of Jolly Ranchers Pop Tarts and was suddenly stuck with 45 Pop Tarts I didn’t want. Not to mention, standing in the middle of the Pop Tart aisle on any given day is like being assaulted with hot fudge sundaes and s’mores and chocolate chip cookies and milkshakes and cinnamon rolls. I flirt with an aneurysm just trying to decide what I want for breakfast.

Can’t we get like a cold bar where I can choose some of each… you know, like in a Whole Foods?

Pop Tarts Splitz will have to do for now; at least I get two different kinds in each box.

Kellogg's Pop Tarts Splitz (Drizzled Sugar Cookie & Frosted Brownie Batter)

On one side is Drizzled Sugar Cookie, which should be a lock since the seasonal Sugar Cookie Pop Tarts are my personal GOAT.

And no surprises that it is indeed delicious, with the wonderfully sweet sugar cookie flavored filling carrying much of the weight. But it would be awfully remiss of me to not mention that this blue drizzle is inferior to the complete sheet of frosting on the seasonal Sugar Cookie Pop Tarts. The drizzles helps, but does not complete the sugary profile that makes the Santa Claus version my all-time favorite.

On the other side is Frosted Brownie Batter, which is brand spankin’ new for Pop Tarts.

This half carries both chocolate frosting and confetti sprinkles, and it is delightful. Simply delightful. It’s the most fudgy Pop Tart yet – even fudgier than the Chocolate Fudge Pop Tarts. The filling is a deeper and darker chocolate, and I prefer its pairing with the standard pastry dough over the cocoa-based one in Chocolate Fudge.

Kellogg's Pop Tarts Splitz (Drizzled Sugar Cookie & Frosted Brownie Batter)

Warmed up, the Sugar Cookie half takes on its best self like cookies right out of the oven. This is one of the main reasons why the Frosted Sugar Cookie is my forever favorite, and it rings true here too.

The Brownie Batter half is also good toasted, though I thought it began to taste less like a nuanced brownie batter and more like traditional chocolate filling. I actually prefer this half at room temperature, but melty gooey chocolate has never been a bad thing and won’t be anytime soon.

As good and FUN as this is, I think the optimal combination here would have been a full frosting on the Sugar Cookie half and a drizzle on the Brownie Batter half, since the bread and butter of the Brownie Batter side is its filling anyway.

I stacked both together and was treated to a mouth orgy of sugar, vanilla, and chocolate. Very solid.

In summary, Pop Tarts Splitz are back and I didn’t wake up in the hospital.

Having a Panic Attack in the Pop Tart Aisle Rating: 0 out of 10
Leaving with 48 Pop Tarts on the Regular: 6 out of 10
Overall Rating: 8 out of 10

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