Nabisco will launch Marshmallow Moon Oreos to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the possibly fake moon landing. ? ~ Me.

A throwaway caption that I wrote on the toilet, I thought nothing of it.

But man, I sure got people fired up about the moon…

Nabisco Marshmallow Moon Oreos

I never thought a mere acknowledgment that conspiracy theories have long existed on this topic would cause so much backlash, but just like that I learned how  defensive people are about their beloved moon.


Here are some of my favorite roastings I took:

#unfollow. who starts a food page and throws conspiracy theories around ? what a douche.

Me. I do.

you’re a special kind of stupid.

Thank you.

Are u really throwing conspiracy theories out there now? I’m hoping you’re not an anti-vaccer as well.

I’m hoping more people learn how to take jokes.

It’s all fun and jokes until people think they can fall off the edge of the ocean or when entire populations die from diseases that were eradicated decades ago. There must be better and funnier things to joke about. I mean come on, you run an account about junk food!!!

There must be better things to get worked up about…

Anyway, the flavor is vague but you gotta assume the purple creme is marshmallow flavored on these new Marshmallow Moon Oreos.

The package also glows in the dark, which will come in handy when you’re eating Oreos in your bed at 2am.

Nabisco Marshmallow Moon Oreos

I lost the OO’s between the sheets.

The purple creme looks like the same color as the Chocolate Peeps Oreos from a couple years ago, which makes sense because Peeps are technically also marshmallows. And as much as I’d love to launch Peeps into outer space forever, those Oreos were not that bad.

…unlike the ORIGINAL Peeps Oreos, which were on a Golden Oreo wafer, and tasted like crunchy cat piss.

Nabisco Marshmallow Moon Oreos

Don’t ask how I know what crunchy cat piss tastes like.

At least these Marshmallow Moon Oreos have fun space-themed designs on them, instead of portraits of the Devil’s Chicklets.

Nabisco Marshmallow Moon Oreos

The Marshmallow Moon Oreos actually do taste very comparable to those Chocolate Peeps Oreos. The creme is a tinge more marshmallowy than your standard Oreo creme, and tastes more candy-sweet. Your standard Oreo consumer, however, might be disappointed that they taste so much like the original.

I suspect this may be the same exact flavoring as the Chocolate Peeps Oreos without the crunchy sugar bits.

Nabisco Marshmallow Moon Oreos

If you were to put a gun to my head and threaten to blast me to the moon, I’d say that regular Oreos are better than Marshmallow Moon Oreos. I don’t find these considerably better or worse than normal Oreos; just a little bit different. Your affinity towards them will be directly tied to how much you like sugar, and how much you like the moon.

In summary, the moon landing probably didn’t occur.

Odds the Moon Landing Occurred: 3 out of 10
Odds I Get Murdered Over My Opinion On the Moon Landing: 9 out of 10
Overall Rating: 7.5 out of 10

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1 Response

  1. Amarsir says:

    I don’t believe Instagram actually exists.