Back in MYYYYY day, we had to suffer through elections to get OUR donut Oreos…

Nabisco Strawberry Frosted Donut Oreos

Nabisco Strawberry Frosted Donut Oreos

Oh how the times have a-changed! Let’s first take a stroll down memory lane, shall we?

Almost five years ago, Oreo held a fan vote to determine its next Oreo flavor. The contestants were:

  1. Jelly Donut Oreos (a brand new, amazing idea).
  2. Caramel Apple Oreos (which were out the year before).
  3. Cookies & Creme Oreos (which were out many times before, and are just Oreos).

In a stunning turn of events, Cookies & Creme Oreos won the election. At the time it was the biggest failure of democracy in the United States ever – a title it would hold proudly for a few short months before the country elected a game show host to be its president. Several months later, Nabisco would just release Jelly Donut Oreos anyway.

Perhaps the election was rigged, or perhaps Nabisco just got enough free market research to figure out what kind of flavors its fans REALLY wanted. Which I like to think culminated in these limited edition Strawberry Frosted Donut Oreos:

Time and again, the fat f*cks that eat our cookies have indicated that they’ll eat anything we make. The more calories it sounds like it has, the better…

~ Oreo’s CEO, probably. 

Nabisco Strawberry Frosted Donut Oreos

Nabisco Strawberry Frosted Donut Oreos feature the Golden wafer and a dual-layered creme: one appears to be “donut” flavored, while the other is a pink colored creme with glitter.

Our fans have also indicated they will eat anything that sparkles.

~ Oreo’s CEO, I’m sure. 

It’s really difficult to peel off one creme and separate it completely from the other; inevitably, you’ll get some of one creme stuck to the other. But if I concentrate my bites on just the top or lower halves, I can definitely tell that the glitter-filled pink creme is strawberry-flavored while the brownish one is… something else. That much is immediately clear. 

Nabisco Strawberry Frosted Donut Oreos

The pink creme, with all of its sugary sweetness, tastes like the strawberry frosting sitting atop pretty much any shitty donut you’d find in the convenience sector. I say “shitty” with love; shitty donuts are still delicious, but we’re obviously not dealing with anything gourmet here. 

The strawberry frosting creme is great – especially for an Oreo cookie. 

The brownish creme is a little harder to dissect honestly. At first, I thought it just tasted like normal Oreo creme. But the more I eat it, the more I think it’s something different.

I feel like I can taste that slightly oily dough flavor in a regular yeast donut. I can’t say for that it’s not my imagination running wild simply because they suggested it, but I’m convinced that whatever it is works for this particular Oreo cookie. 

Nabisco Strawberry Frosted Donut Oreos

Together, I really think this Oreo compares nicely to a strawberry-frosted donut from Dunkin’. And if you think you’re above a donut from Dunkin’, go take a long, hard look in the mirror. You’re not. 

At the end of the day, Strawberry Frosted Donut Oreos are outstanding but I would rank them a hair behind the Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake Oreos that came out a few years ago. The Good Humor ones were sweeter and had a brighter strawberry flavor thanks to the strawberry bits that were baked into the wafers.

Nevertheless, I’m confident you’ll enjoy these when you inevitably buy them because people like you and me will buy anything with a picture of a doughnut on it.

Burning Questions:

  1. What, you think you know me or something? I know that you read a blog about Oreos…
  2. So what? So you’re probably a donut-obsessed virgin like me. 
  3. I’ve had sex before… See, we’re getting to know each other so quickly. 

Place of Purchase: Walmart

Rating: 8 out of 10

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