4 Responses

  1. Alek says:

    I am hoping to go next year! Going set up my food blog hopefully by end of the summer. I’m envisioning me using American Sign Language to taste the foods and review it. I think it is cool to have that kind of food review. I haven’t seen a deaf food reviewer yet!

    Those look good! Airheads could had added mystery flavor in the gummies. Hope they will do that!

    Also the facebook comment box is not working for now. All I’m seeing this weird blinking circle

    • Junk Male says:

      Good luck with your blog Alek! Sounds like a great opportunity! I’m not sure what’s going on with the Facebook comments on this particular post.

  2. Hayley Gold says:

    Were facebook comments disabled for this post? Anyway, were the oreos behind glass(it looked that way from the photos)–if so, that’s hilarious! Just curious, how do they determine who is qualified to be media. Your blog, by all means, merits you to be media, but it’s not like there’s some sort of overseeing group that certifies legit blogs from lesser ones…or do the snack fair overlords have scouts out scouring the junk food blogosphere?

    • Junk Male says:

      The Facebook comments aren’t disabled but there is definitely a problem with this particular post. Not a big deal I hope, as long as they’re working on other posts. Haha, Oreos were indeed behind glass as were a lot of the products by the major companies (like White Chocolate M&M’s). And legit, you have to file a media application with your credentials and there is indeed a person (or persons) that approves and rejects!