Tagged: M&Ms

S'mores Crispy M&M's

REVIEW: S’mores Crispy M&M’s

In 1999, Crispy M&M’s were born. They were great! The concept wasn’t too innovative, but they were crispy and everybody loved them. So Mars discontinued them in 2006 because “Haha F-...

Malt M&M's Mini Eggs

REVIEW: Malt M&M’s Mini Eggs

When referencing candy, ask anyone what “malt” is and you’ll get the same response: “Whoppers.” Ask them a second time what malt really is, and you’ll likely get a blank stare. Ask...

Easter Sundae M&M's

REVIEW: Easter Sundae M&M’s

Chocolate. Ice Cream. The Lord Jesus Christ. What do these three things all have in common? Nothing. Introducing Easter Sundae M&M’s! You wanna talk about a gimmick? Easter Sundae M&M’s...

Strawberry M&M's

REVIEW: Strawberry M&M’s

As Valentine’s Day approaches and everyone is scrambling to get their reservations together at T.G.I. Friday’s, the Red M&M is drunk with love. Introducing Strawberry M&M’s, the newest limited edition M&M flavor to...

REVIEW: Hot Chocolate M&M’s

Ok guys. It’s been exactly three days since I reviewed the Hot Cocoa Chips Ahoy! cookies, and my life has completely spiraled out of control since. Those cookies were so...

REVIEW: Cafe Mocha M&M’s

I wasn’t expecting to be here right now. Let me contextualize this review for you. I had just finished up weights at the gym. I stepped outside and noticed that the...