Somewhere out there, there’s an ice cream truck driver who would be the perfect reviewer of these new Oreos…

Anyway, here’s an old photo of me selling ice cream out of my truck.

Yes… in a past life, I was an ice cream truck driver for a living. In present day, I review Oreos for sport.

My entire life is coming full circle, and these new Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake Oreos are all that matter in my life at the moment.

Nabisco Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake Oreo

I live a very thin life.*   *Fat life.

It’s Take Two for Strawberry Shortcake Oreos, and Nabisco is pulling out all the stops (or just the one) by partnering with Good Humor to release a revamped version.

Creepy music can be heard emanating from Walmarts and Targets across the country.

Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake Oreos are modeled after the classic ice cream bar that was a number one seller on my ice cream truck, unless we were sold out because I ate them all. (I had this company policy where everything was free if I didn’t pay for it.)

Sucks to sucks, Little Girl. All we have left are Fudgesicles and Candy Cigarettes.

These new Oreos have a pink strawberry shortcake creme – hopefully not the same as the last one – and strawberry flavored bits IN THE COOKIE to simulate the signature cake coating of the Good Humor Bar.

Nabisco Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake Oreo

Nabisco Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake Oreo

Right off the bat, I’m relieved to discover this cream is definitely a new one. Gone is the cloying grossness that I recall with misery from the last Strawberry Shortcake Oreo. This is a much smoother strawberry flavor that’s mellowed out by some vanilla notes like the Good Humor bar. The crème is also fluffier and less waxy than most Oreos.

It still tastes a little more like Strawberry Nesquik than it does a Good Humor bar, but it’s not as potent or chemically as last time. Very pleasant.

The crème also works much better with the Golden cookie. In some ways, the crumbly Golden Oreo offers natural similarities to the crunchy coating of the Good Humor Bar. The addition of the strawberry flavored bits in the cookie do in fact add little morsels of crunch – a nice touch, though unfortunately I did get some stuck in my teeth.

The strawberry bits in the cookie don’t offer as much flavor as I hoped they would. If fingers were crossed that Nabisco would use the same exact crunch coating that Good Humor does, forget that too. The ingredient list reveals corn cereal – which is present neither in Golden Oreos nor the Good Humor bar – and it must be a key component. I’m assuming Cap’n Crunch Berries Oreos are in play down the road.

Put it all together and what do you get? A solid strawberry-vanilla cookie with classic Oreo charm!

I’ll stop short of saying it’s a fair and true replication of a Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake Bar though. First of all, I can’t taste the wooden stick. More importantly, I ate far too many Strawberry Shortcake Bars in the chapter of my life where I sold ice cream out of a truck to children to be fooled today.

But at least that means I’m happy to share these with others instead of hoarding them all for myself..

“Come on over, Kids!”

Odds Any Kid Would Ever Come Near Me Rating: 0 out of 10
Odds I’ll Be Arrested Before Dusk Rating: 8 out of 10
Overall Rating: 8 out of 10

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