Honestly, does anyone even know which aisle they’re shopping in anymore?

In the ice cream aisle, you can find Twinkies. In the Pop Tart Aisle, you’ll find Jolly Ranchers. Head on over to the yogurt aisle and get yourself some Sour Patch Kids. If you want to set the mood, go pick up some Peeps scented candles in whatever aisle they sell torture devices.

Today’s episode of “Where the hell am I?” puts us at the crossroads of boxed cakes and boxed cereal.

Post Hostess Honey Bun Cereal

Post Hostess Honey Bun Cereal

For the last couple of years, Post’s new thing is selling us things that are other things. Oreos, Chips Ahoy!, Nilla Wafers, Honey Maid S’mores, and Cold Stone’s ice cream have all gotten the cross-branding cereal treatment, and now its Hostess’s turn with Post Hostess Honey Bun Cereal.

Hostess Honey Buns are somewhat of a surprising choice to me for a few reasons. First, they’re one of Hostess’s relatively unheralded snack cakes; couldn’t even tell you the last time I had one. Second, I have a sneaking suspicion that they’re basically just swollen Honey Smacks. Finally, I doubt they have as much character as the Cinnabon Cereal, of which they share a good degree of likeness.

But hey, I guess I should enjoy this level of co-branding before all the aisles converge and we get the Ben & Jerry’s Meow Mix Cereal presented by Chef Boyardee.

Post Hostess Honey Bun Cereal

Well, I was wrong in that they don’t taste like Smacks, but at least they’re made with real honey and have a good flavor to them.

I almost expected cinnamon on the ingredients list after trying them, but nope. The base cereal tastes a LOT like Cap’n Crunch, but it’s sweetened with honey and I’d call it an upgrade because of the natural sweetener. They’re a little more complex, and they taste quite good despite tasting pretty familiar.

They’re understandably not cake-y like Hostess Honey Buns, though, and the comparison is a total stretch aside from their shape.

The Hostess Donettes Cereal, with a softer texture and a pummeling of powdered sugar, is a more successful interpretation of its pastry than these.

Post Hostess Honey Bun Cereal

However, I do think Hostess Honey Bun Cereal has more flavor than the Donettes overall.

The cereal holds up incredibly well in milk – better than most cereals for sure. Most of the flavor and all of the crunch is retained and I even think the honey pops a little more.

How you feel about this is going to be a total function of your expectations, because I don’t think it tastes like the packaged version and I’ve had similar cereals before. But it IS a very tasty breakfast cereal if you can free yourself from unreasonable expectations.

Probability I Would Eat Meow Mix Cereal Rating: 10 out of 10
Probability I’m Eating Meow Mix Right Now Rating: 3 out of 10
Overall Rating: 7.5 out of 10

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4 Responses

  1. Cory says:

    These reminded me of Waffle Crisps but if someone replaced the maple with vanilla. Similar texture and all. I hope they keep these around.