6 Responses

  1. I’m due for a #swipeleft comment, and it’s being placed right chere. I’d rather just take a glob of actual cookie dough and throw it in between the teddy Graham wafers.


  2. Lindsay says:

    I bought a package of the cinnamon bun oreos a couple days ago and I 100% blamed you while doing so

  3. Jeff says:

    Great review, but can you provide information about where to find the things you review? I think in a previous Instagram post you may have said Walmart exclusive? Photo has a Walmart sign so that seems to back it up, but mentioning it in the review would be great. Thanks for suffering through so many Oreos to bring us such good reviews.

    • Junk Male says:

      Jeff, these are a Walmart exclusive for now, and only at select Walmarts. I believe they will be hitting wider distribution on July 11th. Stay tuned for a new feature I’m going to test out tomorrow that will include some location info for the products I find.