By now you’ve heard it a million times (this is your first time hearing it).

Last year, Walmart held a Flavor Vote for fans to decide 2017’s Walmart exclusive Oreo. Jelly Donut Oreos were on the ballot up against Caramel Apple Oreos (which I reviewed and didn’t like in 2015) and Cookies & Creme Oreos (which I didn’t need to review because they’ve been out at least three times before).

Jelly Donut Oreos lost in what would be the biggest failure of democracy in the United States ever – a title it would hold proudly for a few short months before the country elected a game show host to be its president.

Obviously, Junk Banter would not stand for this shit. We launched a vicious campaign to save Jelly Donut Oreos by creating the hashtag #SaveJellyDonut, which garnered tremendous support in the online community:

Two of the posts are mine, the other has 18 likes.

Though democracy may have failed us, there is an important lesson here with Jelly Donut Oreos. Always complain into your phone when things don’t go your way – you never know who might be listening. Because even though Jelly Donut Oreos lost a flavor vote to become a Walmart exclusive Oreo, Jelly Donut Oreos are now a Walmart exclusive Oreo anyway.

Nabisco Jelly Donut Oreos

Nabisco Jelly Donut Oreos!

Praise the Oreo Gods with these Nabisco Jelly Donut Oreos! This is a flavor that actually sounds EXCITING in a year that’s brought us some really safe flavors (Mississippi Mud Pie Oreos) and some real vom city flavors (Peeps Oreos).

Donuts, after all, are the hottest thing in the world right now in the food blogosphere. Big cities and hipster college towns all over the country are trying to outdo one another with crazy donuts as we speak. Italian Rainbow Cookie Donuts? Check! Sushi Donuts? Why not! Cheetos Encrusted Mac & Cheese Donut? Ok, whatever!

Nabisco is here today to remind us all that it’s really, really hard to top a good jelly donut.

Nabisco Jelly Donut Oreos

The scent out of the package is enticing; it just doesn’t smell anything like donuts. They smell like frosting but with a slight tang for complexity. If you could imagine Cheesecake Dunkaroos, then that’s what these smell like.


Nabisco Jelly Donut Oreos

Who do I have to f*ck to get some Cheesecake Dunkaroos?

The white creme in Jelly Donut Oreos doesn’t taste or feel exactly like the regular white creme in Golden Oreos. It’s fluffier and definitely less sweet than the standard vanilla one. It’s still sweet, sure, but it’s not extra sharp.

There’s no “fried dough” or cake-like flavor to emulate donuts if that’s what you were expecting of this creme. If it were any part of a jelly donut, the only argument you could make is for the powdered sugar (it’s probably the powdered sugar).

Nabisco Jelly Donut Oreos also have a “jelly flavored center” at their core. I was afraid this was going to taste too artificial like the strawberry creme in Chocolate Strawberry Oreos, but thankfully they don’t. The creme is a little jammy and tart – like a raspberry if I had to pinpoint the fruit. I wish it packed a stronger punch but I quite enjoy the jelly creme.

Nabisco Jelly Donut Oreos

When you put it altogether, though, these donuts won’t set the world on fire or even eclipse 100 likes on your Instagram page. (Unless you’re me).

The first bite will only yield the sweet outer creme. While tasty, it’s really just a Golden Oreo with slightly less sugar. All the magic is in the center, but the cute design with the two rings cause the overall performance to suffer. The Golden wafer and white creme mellow the fruitiness of the raspberry core. While it’s still prevalent enough to make them unique Oreos, you only taste that raspberry for a small bite in the middle. All the flavors do combine harmoniously though, and the end result is another solid – not spectacular – cookie.

WELP, America, we finally got what we wanted and it was just okay. The irony here is that I gave those stupid Cookies & Creme Oreos a higher rating than I’m about to give these. They at least delivered everything they promised to all the stupid fans that voted for them. While I prefer this flavor generally speaking, they taste as much like donuts as the Waffles & Syrup Oreos tasted like waffles.

That is to say, they don’t.

Cookie Politics Rating: 9 out of 10
#SaveJellyDonut Rating: 3 likes out of 10
Overall Rating: 7 out of 10

For another take on Jelly Donut Oreos, head on over to Snack Cellar and read his review now!

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3 Responses

  1. Sheila says:

    I told a friend that I wouldn’t have guessed “doughnut” if blindfolded, but the jelly flavor is very pleasant. Think you’re right about it being raspberry.

    I wish they’d start making open-face Oreos. Too often you have to take one cookie off to really get the flavor.

    • Junk Male says:

      That’s literally what I was doing to maximize these too! “Open-faced Oreos” has a nice ring to it.

  2. Ty says:

    How about we go all out? Creme outside with cookie inside???